Winchester Supreme 230gr SXT

Jason Demond

New member
Has anyone done and expansion testing with this ammunition? I bought three boxes of this stuff for home defense a while ago, and just got around to using it. I just checked ammolab, and when they tested it, they got zero expansion.
I am sure it's good stuff, but I want something that will expand to over .50 cal.

Johnny Guest

Moderator in Memoriam
Interesting - -

I haven't heard much about that particular point. I used to worry about such things but finally concluded that if I do my part, any "big name" 230 JHP will perform adequately. Reliability is my principal concern, and then accuracy. Bullet expansion and weight retention are far bigger factors when the bullet is smaller than .452" and weighs less than a half-ounce. :D

Seriously, I could get along fine with hard ball ammo. My agency wants us to carry JHP, out of concern for ricochets and overpenetration. I can be issued either the Win SXT or Speer Gold Dot. I tried both, and I shoot slightly better with the Gold Dot, using either my Commander or Govt Model.

I'd be equally happy with Federal HydraShok, Remington Golden Saber, or Hornady/Frontier XTP, but I'd have to purchase those at my own expense. The county issues me 50 rounds of GDHP twice a year, and I'm perfectly satisfied. :)

Good luck in your quest for knowledge.

45 Fu

New member
Johnny has it right - reliability should be your number one concern. If you have more than one reliable round then choose the most accurate.

In any .45 ACP load you get something good - a .45 caliber hole. If the round expands then that's gravy, but there is a good chance it won't just as much as it will. When you have a reliable weapon that hits where aimed (if you do your part under stress) then you are one step ahead of the game.

If through-and-through penetration is a concern due to number of people in the household you would be well served to plan lines of fire in which your family will not be in the way while leaving the intruder with little avenue of escape. Hallways are usually good.

You can't control whether you round will expand or not, but you can control where it goes.

Jason Demond

New member
Thanks for the replys.

I have decided to replace my HD .357, with a S&W 625. I usually use Gold Dots, but I ran out. The local gun shop didn't have any (Gold Dots), so I bought the Winchesters. If these don't expand, I could have saved money by buying hardball. ;)

Anyhow, I switched them out with 185gr Golden Sabers.

Johnny Guest

Moderator in Memoriam
Jason, the Win will almost certainly expand to some extent - -

My point was, I just won't get all wrapped around the axle over whether the final bullet measures .458" or .464" or whatever.

I said I could go with .452 RNFMJ, and I could, but consider this: Even if the SXT for some reason expanded not at all, you still have that nice, broad hollow point which would do cookie cutter work, or at least perform as a broad, flat meplat. And, using an M625, you don't even need to worry about feeding! :D



New member
I haven't done any testing recently, but I have tested Winchester Supremes against play dough in the past. The standard test always includes two layers of (albeit worn) denim.

The only photos I can dig up include an expansion comparison between it and a 230gr Remington Golden Saber (top two) and a photo illustrating the protrusion of "talons" of Winchester Rangers and the old-style Black Talons.

Winchester Supreme (left) compared to Remington's Golden Saber of the same bullet weight

Same test, viewed for overal diameter

Talon protrusion test: talonless Supreme (top) Ranger (left) Black Talon (right)
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Jim March

New member
If your barrel is VERY short, like a 2" revolver barrel or 3" semi-auto, I suggest running a lighter slug. A 230, even a good one, won't get up enough head of steam from a short tube to reliably expand.

From very short barrels in 45ACP, I'd recommend the Cor-Bon Pow'R'Ball 165.


New member
I'm not sure about the 45 sxt's but the 40 cal does an excellent job. I have tested a golden saber in water and found it expanded to .71

Jason Demond

New member
Thanks for the replys guys!

It was time to rotate all my HD ammo, since Triton is now defunct, I had to go looking for another brand.
I have used Golden Sabers before, and have zero compunction about using them again. So that's what I ended up going with. Since the Winchesters were bought on sale, I will use them for range fodder. I plan on doing a little expansion testing myself.

I only use revolvers, and a shotgun for defense. So ammo feeding in an autoloader is a non issue.