Winchester Pistol Brass


New member
Been away for a bit, but back to reading the posts and keep tripping across so many threads where people don't seem to like Winchester, albeit they're mostly speaking about Rifle brass, not specifically pistol brass.

Starline pistol brass is in a class by itself and I've not had a problem with it, but then I do not come across enough of it to make a definitive judgement from experience in quantity.

In my experience, which is 100% pistol, and mostly 9mm and .40 S&W, Winchester pistol brass, when discussing range pickup brass, has been the best for me in quantity. Of the thousands of pieces in my "inventory" I ever recall having 2 come up cracked. Only consistent problem I ever see on WIN headstamps is the occasional flying bur off the flash hole that needs to be taken down with a primer hand tool on the inside of the case. European GECO headstamp is great stuff but rare, and the flash hole is slightly undersized which annoys many. (metric)

At the other end of the spectrum, I refuse to even trade away Perfecta, Blazer (cci), or aguila brass all of which has been dangerously soft with the most once fired cracked brass in my bad brass example collection. I've posted numerous pictures of Blazer case failures, Perfecta seriously off center flash holes, and a WIDE range of variation in aguila...

Federal, Remington, and most other things fall inbetween somewhere. They aren't the first brass I reach for, but I have no problem using them.

But getting back to WIN pistol brass, without doubt, I've had some .40 WIN go through my dies 6 or more times without issue and have no problem putting them through my routine 6 more times.

For those taking issue with WIN pistol brass - can you back it up with images of the failures as I have on my 3 worst? Nothing quite like a picture to see what it is you're taking issue with imho...


New member
Have used WW, Rem, & Fed brass, rifle & pistol, for decades. When Starline became available, it became my choice.
My preferred range pick-up brass is also Winchester. I typically sort pistol brass by caliber and then by "Winchester" and "Other." I used the 'Other" to reload for competition, where I couldn't expect to be able to pick up my own brass. I use the Winchester brass for when I'm shooting at the indoor range, where I can sweep up my brass and take it home with me.


New member
I only sort for junk like Perfecta, A-MERC and that stepped case garbage. Never had any issues with Winchester, and newer Winchester nickel brass is my go to when loading XTPs.


New member
Winchester brass is all I’ll use in my EDC loads, for general plinking/range use I’ll keep other brass that I don’t care if I lose. The only brass I cull outright is the junk that has the shelf inside limiting seating depth and creating a reduced volume for powder possibly creating a pressure issue with previously worked up loads using normal brass. This in my 9mm’s.
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New member
I use whatever once fired brass I can get ... when it's free or dirt cheap .

If I want to buy Brand New Brass ... Starline gets the nod .

After years of reloading ( 50 years ) ... my old , tired , mixed headstamp , range pick-up brass , I started rep[lacing some of my worn & weary 45 acp , 38 special , 357 magnum , 41 Special , 41 magnum , 303 British and 30-30 with new Starline ...
for the price ... you can't buy any better ... Great Stuff !

Starline - I LIKE IT !!!


New member
Winchester has always been my preferred. I buy/have a lot of Starline too. But I consider Winchester to be top-notch. That's been my experience in my 40 years of handgun loading.

Because of my experience with Winchester, when I buy factory ammo (rare), it's Winchester.


New member
I will bend over and pick up any and all Winchester brass that I can get my hands on .
I have never had any problems with it in semi-auto or revolver .
Alot better than some of the foreign made brands I've run into .
In 38 Special and 45 acp I usually get 10-12 reloadings before a tiny mouth crack appears ... if I annealed them I could maybe get a few more loadings .