Winchester called this.... "WOOD???"


New member
I've mounted lots of sling swivels. Today I did one on my Win 9422.

Good GRIEF! What wood did they use? Balsa? As grainy as it was, maybe REEDS!!!

As soon as the threads of the QD stud "took" that stupid wood lifted up like a manhole cover. Brittle! Porous! JUNK wood. They called it walnut. It looks like leftover basement wood after termites have dined.

No WONDER they use that epoxy spar varnish glassy plastic COATING.
If they used OIL, it would take 50 gallons to fill THOSE pores.




New member
Well, it may be walnut, but that tree wasn't cut down, it died and fell down. Another example of doing the bare minimum in an effort to slash expenses before closing one's doors.


New member
I've had the gun for 6-7 years. It .....shoots..... like a match rifle. I had no idea the wood was so lousy til I started that QD stud. It ....LOOKS.... great.
Well........I ...did.... have a checkering diamond pop off when I first got it, but it was barely used and I thought maybe the guy had dropped it. It fell into my hand and I epoxied it back on and it has been no trouble.

The accuracy is AMAZING.

The wood..........well, I guess that's "amazing" too. In a different sort of way. Sure won't use it to butt-stroke any interlopers.


New member
Synthetic Stock??? New York City????

Actually that's what I told the wife. But...alas.... it is my Red Ryder carbine.

I even put the "saddle ring" takedown screw on it. AND Lyman globe and receiver sights.

I've got the epoxy wood putty drying now. I'll stain it and finish up with the QD stud. I just won't use it for hanging from cliffs or whackin marauding Indians, though.



New member
Synthetic Stock??? New York City????
Get a rope! :D
Watch ebay lavan, somtimes you can get stocks cheap
+1. Winchester may have dropped the ball on the stock, but a shooter like yours deserves some good wood. At least it seems Winchester did the most important stuff right. Which is a good thing to hear.


New member

I probably have 15-20 extra stocks if you're interested.........
Also, think you can find them at Numrichs....


New member
Not to rub salt in the wound, but did you properly relieve the hole before threading the swivel stud into it?


New member

Go to Brownells, they have a Cowboy Action Catalog with replacment stocks for Winchester.........


New member
Scorch.... Not enough apparently. I did my old Rem 512 and Ruger 10-22 with no problem.

Always a first time.

I got it ...patched... up. Not perfect, but passable.


It came up from so DEEP that it was below the small relief. This thing lifted a BUNCH of wood. Not just surface.


New member
At least it seems Winchester did the most important stuff right.

Weeeellllllllll......purdy much. The trigger had a nasty secondary letoff stage when I got it. Squeeezzzzeeeee.....slide....tink....skritch.....squeeze a bit more....clik...BANG!

Fortunately they're pretty simple to set up on the outside of the inner frame and keep the angles straight while you hone the sear. Passable now.

What I WISH I had kept was the early UNCHECKERED one I gave to my kid. It had a good trigger and close grained walnut. I oil finished that one and the grain was nice and tight.



New member
Not to question your abilities

But I drilled and tapped my barrel band and stock on my Marlin 39D for a sling many years ago. I'm hardly a gunsmith, but with a little patience and attention to detail, I don't think that would have happened.


New member
Masking tape, progressively larger drills, a cone shaped bit (whatever that's called)
Don't know how much more attention to detail there could be.
Trip to the gunsmith maybe.

Didn't do anything to the front band. Used a tubular mag QD mount.


New member
That wood looks like one of the fast growing tropical hardwoods. Finish appearance reminds me of cocobola but probably not as that type wood would be harder and stronger.

If its any consolation there is a whole branch of materials science related to making sturdy things out of flimsy material; there are supersonic jets whose wings are made of laminates which can't be drilled and which are reminiscent of corrugated cardboard when they are opened up.