Winchester AA - which version for dove/quail?


New member
I have heard many good things about Winchester AAs over the cheap bargain shells. I want to pick up some for dove/quail hunting. They have a light target and a handicap heavy target. Which would be best for hunting?



New member
Depends, figures I'd say that..

Type of gun ( action ) , how YOUR gun patterns, and the "how the birds fly"

I'm partial to the 2 3/4 dr myself. [ skeet load] It is similar to what I load for skeet. Runs in Semi auto's - my SX1, and will run Rem 1100s, Beretta 302,303 and up. Even Win 1400 semis. -Disregard if shooting a another platform.
[pump/ O/U...] even so soft on shoulder - hard on birds.

The 3 dr [ trap load] is a great load as well , if your gun won't run the 2 3/4 - these should run it.

BTW the 2 3/4 dr Sporting Clay loading @1300 fps is a good one too.


I know they make shells other than RED blue ones are a bit spicer for "just in case"...


New member
My guns tend to really like the 2 3/4" SuperSport loadings. They are advertised to run 1275fps. Since most of my hunting guns are fixed full choke, the higher velocity tends to open the patterns just a bit.