winchester 9422


New member
Anybody else love this rifle? I had the magnum out last week. I also have one in 22 long rifle but I prefer the magnum for making cans dance though ammo is scarce still for some reason.
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in the market

Been in the market for one for some time. But their demise has led to prices that I cannot/won't go. A couple of gun magazine articles on the little rifle has not helped the high demand for them either.

Never had much use for the .22mag ctg untill I started running the .22 mag cylinder in my Dad's Single Six after his death. Seemed like a lever rifle in the same ctg would make a nice pairing.

I looked at the Henry, widely available. Also considered a Ruger 96/.22M, but they have escalated in price as well, so I am holding out for a Winchester.

Tony Z

New member
In the mid 80's, got three .22 levers-Browning .22, Marlin 39A .22 and Winchester 9422 in .22 mag. My liking of them is inthe order listed, with the Winchester at the end of the list because of weakness in retaining of the magazine tube.

Still have rhose guns, plus quite a few Henrys, that I like very well.


New member
I ran across a 94-22 XTR in a gunshops "Bargain Barrel" a few years ago priced at $200. It was literally a barrel full of cheap single barrel shotguns and other guns priced under $100. The Winchester was by far the most expensive gun in there.

Someone didn't know what they had, at the time $400ish was the going price, they are quite a bit more now. I snapped it up and it is my favorite lever action 22.


Brother-in-law bought a new 9422 back in the late 70's. Pretty disappointing IIRC as it wouldn't come close to the accuracy of my old Remington Nylon 66. OK for pop cans at 25 yards or less.


New member
I had a Marlin 39A for years. Then Dad bought a 9422. The 9422 was smaller, much lighter and about as accurate (maybe not quite, but close). I was really liking Dad's little rifle, and one day I needed to go to a local gunsmith to have him put a 22 semiauto back together (that I has taken apart). In the corner of his shop were a few 22's, and one was a 9422. Kind of beat up, but he was asking $80. Almost broke my wrist trying to get my wallet out. Such a deal!

When the grandson wants to walk in the woods, he grabs the 9422. I put an old Leupold 2-7 on it, which is the perfect size.

Tony Z

New member
Posted earlier, and of all the lever .22's I have, my little Brownng is the handiest and feels the best in hand. Japanese made, but top quality (was the deluxe engraved model).


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I was lucky enough to find a nice Winny 9422LR at a pawn shot one day, nice little gun and went ahead picked it up. It is a nice shooter and rounded out my lever gun collection. It was verry lucky to find it.


New member
I bought a .22 magnum new in 1988. Had to sell it in 1991 to pay for car repairs.
It still brings a tear to my eye.


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I started looking into 9417. Holy moly expensive! 17 HRM, probably didn't make or sell many before production stopped.

Anybody got one?


New member
Anybody else love this rifle?

Absolutely! Easily one of my favorite rifles. Quality from one end to the other and a true pleasure to shoot. I also have some in LR and while they are quality pieces as well, I agree that the magnum takes the fun to a whole new level.


New member
9422 Nirvana

My Brother bought a new 9422 XTR in 1984, I couldn't believe the fantastic QUALITY and feel, They weigh 6lbs just 1/2 pound less than it's Big Brother the 30/30. I couldn't stand it and a couple weeks later I put one on lay away, I was surprised that mine was a US Repeating arms. I hadn't heard of them buying Winchester. People have stated that they were lower quality, but side by side, and in the field mine is actually a little nicer than my Brothers.
The main differences are as follows; The wood is nicer, better grain and a richer luster. on mine The fit and finish are exactly the same. Mine has a nice Brass loading chamber rod that is a bit heavier. My brothers is a flat grey metal. The brass really pops in the space to drop the shells, I could shoot a bit better than my older brother, but not by much. When you push down the eject lever the bar that comes out and cocks the hammer has bright polished ends on his and mine are blued. The butt plate is a bit different no biggie. To say these are buttery smooth is an under statement. They shoot better than any other .22 I have ever touched, even better than my 10/22 with a target Barrel. I paid $289.00 at the time. It was the best investment I have ever made, with prime 95+% Rifles going for over $700.00 all I can say is unless Winchester starts making them again, with the same meticulous build quality, they will keep going up in value. I sold a few of my guns (Military) that my Wife never did like AK etc, and the Dealer offered me $500.00 for it 3 years ago, he called me last year, and offered me $675.00 saying he had someone looking for one, I declined. My Brother passed away 14 months ago and he left his gun collection to me. Both sit side by side in the case, as close as my Brother (and Best Man in 1980 when I got Married) and I were. If you decide you want one, think of them as as much an investment as anything. You cannot lose as long as you keep it in the same condition, so I say GO FOR IT! They will never be going down in value and you will make money on it. if the last 5 years is an example Holding one, playing with the action once in awhile, cleaning and lubing them up shows just how much of a piece of art they were. I am seriously thinking about mounting them in an American Walnut Shadow Box, with a Red Velvet Backing and pictures of legendary Cowboys..... How does that sound? :rolleyes:


New member
I have one that I've owned for about 10 years now. I won't part with with it either, it's a lot of fun to shoot.

Couldn't tell you how old mine is, bought it used and it is in nice shape.

What I really like about the 9422 is it isn't picky on ammo, it will shoot it all.


New member

If people are using the Winchester model 94 30/30 to compare the 9422, all I can say is the 94 feels like a loose sloppy piece of junk compared to the 9422.
Apples to Oranges. Oil and Water.
In the larger calibers I like the Marlin, but in my opinion neither the Marlin or
Henry can top the Winchester, even tho they are good guns.