winchester 210 malfunctioning


New member
i took my winchester out to the range today. it was the first time i used it. it looked clean enough but it jamed it didnt want to load just a mess. i brought it home took the trigger group and the firing mech out soaked it and cleaned it put it back and manually worked it and did the same maybe its the spring or the trigger group? nothing seems bent any suggestion


New member
I'm not familiar with the Model 210. Tell me more. Are you having problems with FTF or FTE, stove piping. What condition are your magazines in?


New member
ok its a .22 15 round tube feed semi-auto. it stove pipes some and just dont feed its like sometimes it just want to grap a new round
90% of gun malfunction are because the gun is dirty. First thing is to clean it thoroughly.

Sluggish extraction can be a source of stove piping.

Check the ejector. Is it a fixed stationary ejector or is it spring operated? The former may be bent, misshaped or broken. On the latter make sure the spring is in working order and that the ejector moves freely.

Change ammo. Sometimes hotter ammo is needed if the problem is under function. If it our problem is hyper function, parts moving faster than it was designed to operate, then you need weaker ammo.

Make sure the gun is oiled too. Under function happens when there's too much friction that slows down the parts.

Good luck and get back to us.