Win. Mod 67

nine fingers

New member
A friend of mine wants to sell the rifle that his grandfather gave him 40 years ago. It is a Winchester Model 67. It is in good condition. Does anyone have any idea of its approxmate value???


New member
I have two Model was bought in 1980 for $60...the other in 1995 for $125. They are great squirrel-getters!


New member
I made one of the best shots of my life with that ol open sighted 67A...luckily I had a witness...:p
75 yards took a boar squirrel facing me headone through the top of the skull with SGB's..I love that rifle...


New member
No offense to you, but your friend is a moron and could stand to have a little sense smacked into him. Here you have a gun that is worth very little in real dollars but should be priceless to him in sentimental value and all he can think about is selling it. I have a model 67 that was my great grandfather's and my grandfather's and my father's and now mine and will some day be my oldest son's. It was the first gun I ever shot and will be the first gun my two sons shoot. I would not part with it for any amount of money and surely not for a measly hundred bucks. If I am out of line here or way off base I indeed apologize.


New member
You bring up a point that I overlooked. If it was my situation, there is no way I could sell the rifle,no matter how poor I was. I plan on someday starting any kids I have myself on it. Good point, and not out of line. However, some people don't have the sense of history or nostaligia we do.


New member

Soddy Daisy, eh? I hear you folks bear the brunt of the jokes in Tennessee, or so says my source in Signal Mountain.


nine fingers

New member
Thanks for all your in-put guys. My friend finally wised up and is going to keep the rifle. I think (for sentimental reasons) he thought it was going to be worth lots & lots of money. Now that he has a grip on reality I'm sure he'll keep it as advised.:)