Win 190 .22 trade option...


Staff In Memoriam
Well an ol' viet nam era buddy of mine got a winchester 190 and I think it is a neat enuff little joker...

I own a 10 year old or so Savage Mark II .22 bolt action. Mine has a $40 air rifle scope which I will be leaving on as buddy needs a scope and mine is on and zeroed.

I rarely use my savage any longer as I am lazy enuff and good enuff with my 20 gauge mossberg or SXS stevens to just stand in the doorway and drop a snake feed squirrel from any tree in my yard out to 60 yards...

But I insist that every red blooded redneck American must own a fully functioning .22 of some sort...

My questions... Are these rifles known to be inherently reliable? Are there any "must swap" parts that either wear out or are sorry from the factory? Any thing making them nightmares to tear down or otherwise not worth owning?

What sort of production history do I need to know ie:when were they imported from what nation? Some to avoid or some to seek out?

I have not fired this rifle but will before trading...
BTW... My savage is the cheap walmart black plastic non-accu-trigger with a missing magazine lost in a roll over SUV wreck that also cracked the stock but left the scope at zero...


Big Shrek

New member
It'll do the job :)

Most folks aren't fond of 'em simply because they expect a Winchester to be an old Cowboy-style lever-action...
that's the ONLY real downer other than excessive wear by shooting about 100K rounds thru it ;)

If the bore's good, and the bolt slides FIRMLY into place, with no back/front movement...get it & shoot the stuffings outta it :D

I just picked up a Winnie 250 a couple weeks ago, cleaned the heck out of it, ran some A-Zoom blue Practice Rounds thru it...
and am waiting on a chance to go to the range & try it out, along with the Nylon 66 I got last week :)


New member
I've got one that has been perfectly reliable. I also had one when I was a teenager that was just as reliable. Trigger pull is pretty stiff.


New member
[My questions...

Are these rifles known to be inherently reliable?]
- No

[ Are there any "must swap" parts that either wear out or are sorry from the factory?] - Lifter/feed parts, hit/miss, mostly ok, from Winchester.

[ Any thing making them nightmares to tear down or otherwise not worth owning?] - Don't let me start. :p

[What sort of production history do I need to know, ie:when were they imported from what nation?] - They were imported from Connecticut, 1967-80.

[ Some to avoid or some to seek out?] - Hey, if it floats YOUR boat, why not ?
