William Shatners answer to crime...Boston Legal (merged threads)


New member
this is the second time i have seen this and it,s so funny it brought tears to my eyes again. i think only william shatner could have pulled it off. eastbank.


New member
That is funny. Gotta to love Shatner.

I am curious, from an American society standpoint, with the current negative image of guns in the media, how Boston legal plays that Shatner used a gun for SD? In other words with the show be pro or con?


New member
Yep. Funny.

My quibble with it is that it doesn't promote sound defensive tactics. A double tap COM would have been wiser, and I'd have cut the chatter at "Gun" since the gun would have been doing the talking for me. Well, except for that last part about thanking God for guns after the fact.

Then again, baiting the BG like he did early in the confrontation is just likely to rile him up and shoot just out of antisocial meanness. But, keeping the chatter down and avoiding the snide remarks doesn't make for very good comedy.


New member
Now THAT was funny!! I teared up I laughed so hard! I agree, Shatner is about the only guy that could have pulled that off so well.

"Thank God for guns, 'huh Jerry?" As he's surrounded by smoke - Priceless!

"Only in America, sweet land of liberty-violence!" :D

IMHO, it portrays gun carriers as a little mentally unbalanced, but it really doesn't matter. It's a TV SHOW for pete's sake! It's supposed to be entertaining, which it quite obviously is. He even has good trigger discipline.


New member
I never watch that show....there is just something about it....but THAT was cool and funny rolled together! Then his continued reaction...great stuff.



New member
"Only in America, sweet land of liberty-violence!"

I'm pretty sure he said "sweet land of Liberty Valance!" As "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance." As penance you must go rent said movie and watch it. :p


Moderator Emeritus
I'm with Bryan. 44Mag - You have to rent that movie today and give us a list of the firearms used in it. It's a Jimmy Stewart movie - and a fine one at that.

The video kept stopping for me - took about five tries until I could watch the whole thing. Definitely hilarious.

IRL, it is a bad thing to shoot non-essential points like knees and feet. The robber still had his firearm close at hand.

I am curious, from an American society standpoint, with the current negative image of guns in the media, how Boston legal plays that Shatner used a gun for SD? In other words with the show be pro or con?
I've only seen the show a couple times, but I think Shatner plays a right-wing wacko who is just a little more than a little crazy. God forbid that they ever portray gun owners fairly... :(


New member
It's accurate in another way, too - the only way you can get a concealed-carry license living in Boston is if you're a big shot.


New member
I'm with Bryan. 44Mag - You have to rent that movie today and give us a list of the firearms used in it. It's a Jimmy Stewart movie - and a fine one at that.

Ahem, aren't we forgetting another legendary actor that's in that particular movie?


Now, for your pennance you must watch The Shootist


New member
William Shatners answer to crime...
I saw that epsode. They spent the rest of the show telling how they believe the Supreme Court ruling on RKBA was a mistake which they'll correct when Barack Obama makes it to the White House and appoints more judges ... plus why they believe citizens should not be armed. They make gun owners and anybody who believes in the constitution look like a bunch of real nutballs. They said the reason Shatner's character shot the guy was because he has Alzheimer's disease. Nothing funny at all about it.:barf:
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RENT the Man Who Shot Liberty Valance?

I OWN it.

And watch it regularly.

And how about the other legendary actorS (yes, PLURAL) who are part of that movie?

John Carradine

Edmond O'Brien

Andy Devine


Lee Marvin.