Will we wake up?


New member
"Government has ruled in our place so long we have atrophied as a people. We must shake ourselves and rub the sleep out of our eyes, like the slothful nation of Rip Van Winkles that we are. I warn you, the long sleep must end or the long war will come. There will be wars, but cursed is the country who starts them." --Michael Peirce


New member
...but then the sheeple must think for themselves! And learn to Question Authority !

I have always favored Jefferson's view of the people over the view of Adams, but in this time and place I doubt that the majority of the sheeple have the intelectual background (or the desire) Question and Think about the choices thatr are put in front of them. They aren't Critcal Thinkers and they don't like to read.

We have a long time to go before we are awake.