Will this do for a gun safe ?


New member
I realize that there are far better choices but times are hard and $ few and far between. I own this lock box here and can get it out of my van and anchor it within my condo. It has a simple padlock but it is recessed so no worries about bolt cutters or prybars. I imagine an electric drill would compromise the integrity but I'm thinking a BG would be interested in a quick snatch and run so that wouldn't be an issue. It is very heavy steel and better than nothing I think. Opinions ? I really can't afford to go for a "real" gun safe right now.
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Have you contacted any locksmiths that sell safes to see if they have any used ones?

That lockbox might work if you fasten it down and make some form of racks for it


New member
Almost ANYTHING is better than nothing and I'd bet that box is at least as tough as some of the "Residential Security Containers" (aka "gun cabinets") that get sold as "Safes".

You probably do want to consider securing it somehow (bolting it down someplace or cabling it to something solid). I could see disguising that with a tablecloth and pretending it's an end-table or something. :D


Thieves don't like any security device that takes time, effort, a light, or makes noise to get into.

If the lock hasp and hinges are protected, and you bolt or screw it down from the inside, it should work just fine. Use a QUALITY padlock with a hardened/laminated case and hasp.


New member
As said, something is better than nothing.
If you can afford $500.00 check out Grizzly.
They have genuine gun safes in your price range.
I have one and believe it to be a great value.
BTW, the owner of Grizzly is a very strong 2ndA supporter and sport shooter.