Will the PPK stay for good?


New member
With the new OO7 movie Quantum of Solace the PPK returned to the hand of the character that made it so popular. Particulary I am glad the writer/director whoever it was decided to bring back the PPK. James Bond was not James Bond without the PPK. I hope in the next picture He still uses the PPK.

On another note, do real secret agencies around the world use calibers like 32acp and .380 acp?, maybe now the can get a 9mm in the same or similar package as a PPK, but back in the days Dr. No came out where there agencies using 32s or .380s??? are there any today?



New member
On another note, do real secret agencies around the world use calibers like 32acp and .380 acp?, maybe now the can get a 9mm in the same or similar package as a PPK, but back in the days Dr. No came out where there agencies using 32s or .380s??? are there any today?

At one time, the Seecamp and Walther TPH were used by some undercover folks. I'm sure there were many others but those are the two I personally witnessed, other than duty weapons.


New member
Yes they did, mostly the european-based agencies. The Walther PP is a "Police Pistol" and was an issue sidearm for German police departments. The PPK is simply the more compact version issued to the equivalent of detectives. These were almost always 7.65mm. In addition to police, military officers, under cover operatives, pilots and party leaders were given PP and PPK pistols. Adolph Hitler finally did the right thing with his!

The Russians, Hungarians, the Czechs and other former Eastern Block nations issued knock-offs of the PP and PPK to their officers, police and undercover operatives. The Makarov is very similar to the Walther PP but chambered in a Soviet/Specific caliber and was a mainstay issue weapon of the KGB.

Closer to home, the OSS not only issued High Standard suppressed .22lr pistols but similarly suppressed pistols chambered in .380ACP. And +1 to PSP on the Walther TPH, I've seen a few of these in arms lockers many years ago.

I can't offer any information more current then say 15 years or so ago so I can't say if anyone is still issuing these. I wouldn't doubt it, though, especially some of the second and third world countries that lack the budget to upgrade.



New member
Of course it's here to stay. Remember that the PPK fires 'With a delivery like a brick through a plate glass window.' :p


New member
This one is goin stay around with me....



New member
Can you say----Bond, James Bond.
Or--Shaken not stirred.
If you can say any of the above, then you NEED a PPK.


New member
I'll have to go see that movie. I really enjoyed the last one.

It wouldn't be classic Bond though, unless he is making impossible one-shot kills from at least 25 yards.

Erik Prins

New member
in the early books james bond used a .25 cal because that is what ian flemming was issued while working in naval intelligence durring ww2


New member
>On another note, do real secret agencies around the world use calibers like 32acp and .380 acp?

I had heard that Mossad used to use Beretta 70S in 380 because it was accurate and adapted well to a suppressor.


New member
"I had heard that Mossad used to use Beretta 70S in 380 because it was accurate and adapted well to a suppressor."

We are calling it - "heard the bell, but no clue what they tell":)
There is a Spy museum in Finland -
See the sentence:
New items in the collection
"The museum's weapon collection has gotten more attractive, because of the .22 caliber hand gun used by Mossad".
Beretta series 70 in .22LR with a suppressor.
Reason why: The light weight bullet speed of 300m/s not exceeding the speed of sound and that is why it is much easier to suppress the noise, when at the same time the penetration of .22 LR bullet is significantly higher, than at the same speed of a ball round (FMJ) in 7.65 Brow.
The guy hunted after Munich Olympics in Milano has got two mags of .22LR Beretta 70.
Another weapon used by Mossad agents is Walther PPK in .22LR with suppressor as well.
There are some doubts about the reliability of .22 cal., but knowing the history - assassination mission, control shot, military planing, minimum of two shooters etc. reduces risks to fail to minimum :cool:


New member
Well, I'm going to be the dissenter here

I was pleased when Bond went to the P99. It's a better weapon for what he uses it for (the movies typically involve him getting into some ferocious firefights) and updates the series nicely. It's a Walther, so it continues the legacy of 007 carrying Walther firearms (PPK, P5, P99), and it's a great gun--I love mine to death.

Not that I have anything against the PPK--another fine weapon.