Will SAR-3(.223) mags fit my NHM-90(.223)

Dave R

New member
I'm not sure but.....

AK-74 mags will fit a SAR-3. Will they fit your Norinco? If so, they are probably all compatible.

Bakelite mags are cheap, ($7?) so you could buy one just to try if necessary.

BTW, the best SAR-3 mags are the Weigars from Interordinance. $14.95 ea or $59? for 5 with a mag pouch. If those will fit your Norinco, that's definitely the way to go.


New member
Yeah 74 mags fit in mine, but they only function with 20 in the 30round mag, more than that, they do not funciton.

BTW Dave R. is my name too:)

Dave R

New member
Well...Dave R...

That's pretty much the same situation as my SAR, so I'm guessing that Weigar mags will work with your Norinco.

They'll feed the full 30 rounds perfectly.


New member
I never really looked at 74 mags, but i did figure it was a job for my dremel on the follower, thankyou for comfirming that, i just never really looked into it.