will resized cases stick in resizer die?


New member
If I have already resized my cases and run them thru the die again (after

removing the lube) will they still get stuck? (Just thinking about ways to

clean the lube off).

Smokey Joe

New member
Cleaning lube off

Steve M--
(Just thinking about ways to clean the lube off).
Easiest way to do that, with which I have experience, is to put the now-sized cases into your tumbler with corncob medium and tumble for an hour or so. I was warned that de-lubing cases in a tumbler would gunk up the medium, but have not found this to be the case.

I used to clean each case with an alcohol-soaked rag after sizing. (The alcohol would evaporate more completely and quickly than water.) It worked, but what a hassle!!

Now while I'm cleaning lube off cases, I'm also doing something else at the same time! :)

Wild Bill Bucks

New member
I use a spray lubricant that dries instantly for sizing and loading. I can't remember the name of the stuff right off the top of my head, and I'm not at home where I can go look, but I'm sure any place that sells loading supplies can show it to you. I have been using it for years and have never stuck a round in the sizer yet(Knock on wood). The spray does not contaminate the powder so there is no need for clean up of the lube. A simple wipe with a dry rag over a loaded round, and the round is ready for storage or use.


New member
I use the RCBS spray lube. Great stuff. Put the cases in a plastic box, spray, shake, spray, shake, spray, size cases.


New member
I think you may get a few of them sticking - so I would make sure there is some lube on them when you run them thru the press - and I think your press will just work (easier and more fluidly ).

I use the Dillon spray lube - and let it dry for 15 min or so before I dump the lubed cases into the case feeder. I don't wipe them down - I just run them thru the press with lube on them. When I dump the finished cartridges out of the holding box on the back of the press - I dump them onto a cheap "hotel" terrycloth towel. Then I just push them around - and take 8 or ten in the palm of my hand and roll them around on the towel to remove the excess lube before I run each round thru a case-gague and then box them up. It takes very little time to clean them up before I box them up.

Cpl Nobbs

New member
what calibers are you loading for? straight necks work well without lube with carbide dies, and 30-06 springfield and Hornaday One Shot do not play well together


New member
Re-lube, Quickly wipe each one, load them, then put the finished rounds in the tumbler for 15 minutes. They'll come out great and you won't harm the rounds.