Will no one rid us of these troublesome pests?


New member
The senators said that Justice and FBI officials complained privately that purging the files after 24 hours would impede the bureau's ability to crack down on illegal drug trafficking.
That's absurd even for those 2 clowns to say.:barf:


New member
When I tried the link, all I got was:
Page Not Found

This page does not exist or is no longer available.

Do you still have the text?

Coyote 6

New member

Here you go guys.

Ashcroft's Gun Plan
by Ben Romano
Washington Bureau

Washington - Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) yesterday attacked Attorney
General John Ashcroft's move to reduce the amount of time the federal
government keeps records of gun-purchase background checks from 90 days to
one day, saying the decision was made despite objections from the FBI and other
law-enforcement agencies.

Schumer and Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.) sent a letter yesterday to
Ashcroft and acting FBI Director Thomas Pickard formally requesting "all
reports, memoranda, and all other documents" related to the decision to destroy
the gun-purchase records, which are used to audit the national system designed
to keep criminals from buying guns.

A second letter from the two senators to Ashcroft posed specific questions about
his decision-making process and its impact on law enforcement's ability to
monitor "gun dealers who are intent on putting weapons in the hands of
criminals." Schumer said sources within the Justice Department told him that
documents, including an internal FBI memo, made clear law enforcement's
objection to destroying the records speedily.

An FBI spokesman would not comment on the existence of such a memo. A
Justice Department spokeswoman said the senators' request had not yet been

Ashcroft has argued that keeping the records for longer than necessary violates
the privacy rights of lawful gun buyers and that auditing of the national criminal
background check system can be done in one day. Schumer and other
gun-control advocates balk at both assertions.
The records are necessary to track abuses of the system, such as "straw
transactions," in which an individual buys guns for others who cannot clear the
background check, Schumer said. Those transactions "look OK until they're
closely examined," but such close examinations would not be possible if the
records were destroyed in one day, he said.

Asked if he would subpoena the requested documents, should Ashcroft fail to
provide them, Schumer said, "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it." He
indicated that he was willing to call Ashcroft before his Judiciary subcommittee
to get answers to his questions about the decision-making process.


New member
Chuck, you moron! It's a quite simple decision-making process. First, you read the U.S. Constitution. Then, you remember some kind of oath you took pledging to protect said document. Then, you add one plus one. Doofus! Imbecile! Cretin! And the same for your boozing buddy. Those are your good qualities!


New member
record keeping

As I recall the law as written specifically prohibited the keeping of these records. Not that we should have expected anything other than violations of the law from the Clinton Justice(?) system. We need more people to read and understand the philosophy behind John Ross's book "Unintended Consequences". But it seems to me that if Mr. Ashcroft started handing out supenenas to those people keeping these records in violation of the law and maybe included a few senators for inciting the others to violate the law and maybe threw one to janet who closed her eyes and slept through the entire clinton period, just maybe some of out here might begin to have a little respect for the federal law enforcement branch...

Bam Bam

New member
Al D'Amato called Schumer a "Putz-head". How right he was. Would that make a good caption for the shirt? How about a second pic...

As a NY'er and victim of taxation with misrepresentation I apolagize to you regarding Schumer. The 'Rats in this state have a perfected a highly refined vote-buying scam called "The Government of the State of New York Income Redistribution and Patronage Purchasing Program." It works like this, take OTHERS PEOPLES MONEY and spread it around to the unions, the concentration of the unwashed in NYC, and the state employees, and then having bought their votes dump all over the productive persons of the state.

It really sucks having those two chumps as my state senators. One is a power-hungry prostitute and the other an insipid clown. That is why I chose Jesse Helms and Craig Thomas as my personal senators.