Will long gun shooters suffer???


Staff In Memoriam
I just had a thought, Mind you, just a thought....
If we are faced with a severe handgun/aw ban in the future will it drastically impact all of us?
Most manufactures are making long guns and hand guns or they are adjoined to a hand gun maker. If they ban hand guns it will take alot of profits away from them. A hand gun has to be higher profit margin with less metal sold for the same or more than a rifle or shotgun. Will they survive this?

Ammo makers make both handgun cartridges and long gun ammo. Again I figure the pistol cartridge has to net more profit as they have less metal and less process to manufacture. So once again will our ammo makers be able to hang in there?
I feel hunters practice MUCH LESS than handgun shooters so they likely will really suffer in that regard too.

I am not a typically "fearful" person and this may be way off base but the notion really just smacked this less educated redneck in the fore head so hard I got a headache from it!:D
So I pose the questions to the body of TFL membership for discussion.


New member
It could definately force gun makes to change business practices. I don't agree that most gun manufacturers are making handguns and long guns. There are a few that do both, a few that primarily do one or the other and may dabble with the "other "on rare occassions and as many or more that do just one or the other.

If handguns are not available I believe a majority of shooters will still shoot long guns though not at the frequency they used handguns. The biggest cost difference in handgun and rifle ammo is the increased brass and powder costs. Actually I think the lowly .22 could see a significant revival with increased ammo costs and tightening regulations on handguns and large caliber rifles.


New member
I'd say a handgun ban anywhere in the even distant future is unlikely, with what I predict will be a ruling in Heller in the supreme court this month, that will strike down DC's handgun ban, thus making any federal handgun ban unconstitutional. As for AW's, or some other ban, who knows, and Heller may not expound enough to kill of any/all tyoes of federal bans. depends on what they rule, excatly.