Will Glock Sell to the Public???

Master Blaster

New member
Since Glock has the worldide market, and LEO sales will they soon leave the civilian market in the US.

All Gun dealers in DE seem to think it is getting harder to get a glock. Rumor is that they may discontinue US civilian sales.

A NIB G26 now goes for $540 if you can find one.


New member
This rumor has been floating around for a while and is totally bogus.

Glocks are hard to find because of an apparently little known rule called supply and demand. There is a huge demand and a limited supply. Thus, they are hard to find (and expensive when you do find them). That does not mean that Glock is getting out of the civilian market. Glock LOVES the civilian market. That is where the real money is. They sell a lot to LEOs but that is not the majority of the business. Plus, they give discounts to LEOs, while they sell to civilians at full price.


New member
I was at a dealer the other day. They were selling the G27 for $605.00. That is totally outrageous. This past October I bought a G22 with factory nite sites for $489 from a different dealer. My opinion is Glock is getting caught up on all of their orders, preferrence going to military and L.E. Some dealers are taking advantage of this with extremely high prices.


New member
I second buzz_knox's supply and demand arguement, and also point out that it's likely that a lot of casual gun enthusiasts are noting with alarm current anti-gunner action/rhetoric and are stocking up. Demand goes up, so price goes up - Econ101.

As anecdotal proof for this, I was in a gun shop the other day, and a guy came in looking for a G26. The store had maybe 4 Glocks available for sale, none a G26. The guy basically said he wanted to make sure he could get one, so he was getting one now.

[This message has been edited by JimR (edited April 06, 2000).]


New member
Word from the local dealers is that Glock is trying to fill a huge order to the Austrian Army, hence the lack of Glocks available at this time.

It is the people who are prisoners of their own ignorance about firearms that pose the greatest threat to our 2nd Amendment Rights.

Rainbow Six

New member
Ok, I talked to the Eastern U.S.A. Regional Civilian Sales Manager last week and he said that there's no way Glock is leaving the civilian market.

He also said that high demand by LE as well as the public have outgrown the production facilities and capabilities that Glock Austria has at this time. He said that Glock Austria has recently bumped production up by 25% and still can't keep up with sales. They are trying to catch up.

Great guy! Had a really cool cut-away Glock 23 that allowed viewing of the internal workings of the Glock pistols. :)


[This message has been edited by Rainbow Six (edited April 06, 2000).]


New member
Maybe its the fact that I live in ga. near their headquarters,but they have no shortage around here at the stores i shop!I just got a 31 not to long ago,graet gun by the way.



New member
Talked with the owner of my favorite gunshop in the area. He is very knowledgable and the shop sells a lot of Glocks. He called his Glock contact in Smyrna and was told that, at the moment, Glock is have serious production problems because of world wide committments which they are trying to remedy That, according to him, is why there are shortages. Glock plans to continue to market to civilians in the U.S. As far as prices are concerned someone earlier in this thread mentioned supply and demand. Good thought. The market will find its own level.