Wildlife camera recommendation requested


New member
Hi folks,

This is actually a request from my dad; he asked me to post online to see if I could find info to help him out.

Dad's got a house up on Lake Superior, and he's got moose, bears and wolves running around it. He'd like to get some pictures, and he thought an infrared "deer camp" scouting photo might be just the thing.

This is one that he's considering:
http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/t...e-click&cm_pla=Nextag&cm_ite=DDI Link&afsrc=1

Do any of you have any recommendations or words of wisdom on the subject that I might pass on to him? Thank you for reading and for any thoughts that you might have.

cheers, erich


New member
I have the 3.1 version. For me, it works great. It takes 10 sec video, multi-shot (3 within a 30 seconds) and the pics are decent.

The bad, Saucer eyes, flash, 3.1 mp pics.

All of my night shots have saucer eyes. I don't really care because I use it just to see what is out there. Something about the timing of the flash does it.

Flash. This is debatable, it probably spooks some, but I doubt it spooks all of them.

3.1 mp, Well self explanatory, Not the greates pics. Way better than a cell phone, but m,y camera at home is a 7 megapixel camera.



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New member
I have the older version of this camera which I believe WM now sells for about $99. It works great for animals that are not moving at speed if they are close. I agree with the ad, 30' tops. Not terribly simple to program. Perfect for a feeding station and pictures are crisp. I’ve yet to see the golf ball eye deal. Good starter camera especially if have bears in the area.

I think it also works better during cold weather but rechargeable batteries don’t seem to last as long in cold weather as the disposables. Still I use the rechargables for environmental reasons. In my experience the flash does not spook animals. Sensitivity: it will pick up anything larger than a squirrel, ignores birds.

Bottom line….for the $50 less I’d stick with the older 2.1 or 3.1 MP units and get more than one. Use the left over money to buy batteries and memory.
16 GB is not enough memory but SD cards are dirt cheap if you keep an eye peeled.

BTW, this company now has a unit that is infrared capable and has a shutter that is supposedly more sensitive to movement. I believe this may be the 1st year they have it out. If it pans out and I see some good reviews I might consider spending the extra $$$ for one in a year or two. Obviously the infrared system would make if difficult for someone to see the thing at night and come steal it.



I wouldn't go with anything but cuddeback anymore. I tried some cheaper brands - Stealth Cam (horrible quality), some other no-name analog, and it's not worth the effort when the shutter doesn't work quickly like on the cuddeback. When I save for the cuddeback, I'll try again. Until then, I'm not wasting my time with crap. Having said that, the pics above taken with Moultrie look just fine...


New member

My friend has 2 cameras> One is a cuddyback. He says it gets more pics.
I am still undecided as they are expensive.