Wildcat data needed


New member
I have two savage 99's in 270/308
and 30/284. Does anyone have any experience with these two rounds or suggest a web site with reload data? I have obtained rcbs 30/284 dies and have another set ordered for the 270/308. Did find some data for both rounds in P.O. Ackley but that source is limited on bullet weights and powder selection.
Any help would be appreciated.

Unkel Gilbey

New member
Where I'd start...


First off, I would get ahold of several reloading books, at least three - more is preferred.

I'd then do some comparison checks. Try to find out which cartridge is close to yours in case capacity, bore, shell type, shape, etc.

When you've narrowed down a possible list of candidates, it's time to start looking for consensus's in loads. As an example, and keep in mind that I'm just throwing numbers out - you'll find that three different load books list the 30-30 with a 150 gn bullet using somewhere around 33.0 gns of IMR3031 to get a velocity of @ 2250 fps with a pressure of around 37-38000 cup.

What you are looking for is a consensus between the different books. If they don't have similar loads for similar bullet weights, using the same type powder, getting the same performance, then find another example. Getting a chart where the burn rates of the various powders are compared with each other is a good thing to have too. Here, 'potential' substitutes can be found. I say potential, as some powders with similar burn rates might produce pressure at a different rates, especially in different cases.

Now, if your wildcat were a 30 bore, with a case capacity and shape similar to a 30-30, and by using 33.0 gns of IMR3031 (as long as this didn't exceed the recommended pressure for your action) you would have a pretty good starting point for working up a load. Of course, for safety's sake, you'd best reduce by 10% and start from there.

Ackley was real good about looking for high pressure signs in all his loads. Any good loading manual will have pictures of cases that show signs of excessive pressure. One should always be extra careful when approaching maximum loads in any cartridge, but I'd say that if you built up your loads gradually, you'd find optimum performance well before you were to reach maximum pressure.

Just shooting from the hip, I'd say that with your 270/308, you might find that some 7mm-08 loads would be a good place to start in cooking up some well performing loads for your Savage 99's. Just remember that there is a maximum pressure that those actions should never exceed, and all long as you don't do that, you should get along just fine.

Do let us know how you fare.

Unkel Gilbey


New member
I have looked at the comparison route and the 7-08 is very close to the 270/308 and the 30-06 is close to the 30/284. Just checking for any experience with these two as I will slowly work them up with imr4831 and imr4320. Will figure out other powders if these are not working out. The 99's are strong but not as strong as a bolt action. I am more concerned about pressure than velocity as I consider both guns to be 250 yd deer rifles unless the accuracy suprises me. It would have to be very good considering the trigger pulls on these rifles. The full-length resizing will also take a toll on the life of the brass.


New member
This is from the "Handloader's Manual of Cartridge Conversions" copyright 1987

.270/308 Winchester
Bullet WT: 130
Type: SBT
Powder WT: 46.0
Type: 4350
Vel: 3041

.30/248 Winchester
Bullet WT: 180
Type: Spire
Powder WT: 51.0
Type: 4320
Vel: 2750
Source: Ackley

That's what that book listed. It did not say if the loads were max or not. If you find other data, compare before loading or start at 10% less. Good luck.
