Wildalaska, as per your request...

Indrid Cold

New member
An ego booster! Wild needs a little cheer-up since his foot hurts (or so he says - I suspect he's just lazy).

Here's to an awesome Wildalaska-purchased-Colt shooting outing. Pictures up soon!



Really it does....I'm sitting here just snarling at the world cuz I AM IN PAIN!!!!!

And I cant take opiates at work, nor put it on ice...

And I'm a sceered of surgeons! And Im too fat!

WildbutthanksifeelalittlebetterAlaska TM :)


New member
Ya shoulda seen him the other night, forgetting all about his foot while running back and forth between brawls while working the Fighting Championships.
Never saw a gimp move that fast before!
For that matter, that was the most I've run in the last year, each time I was on the opposite end of the arena and had to move my fat as fast as possible.