Wife wants a carry concealed gun

Colonel Custer

New member
She passed her test and is waiting for the paper work to come in. She doesn't like any of my revolvers or semis. She wants a pretty gun with some knock down power and it has to be pink.
I'm looking a a pink Taurus Millenium 9mm for her. Does anyone have any experience with the Millenium model (pink or otherwisw lol)?


New member
No joke---I got my ex wife a Millenium Pro when I knew we were getting a divorce (I didn't want her to be defenseless because I was taking MY guns with me:D). It's a fine gun if you get a good one (Taurus has improved their QC greatly in the last few years, used to be atrocious).

For the girl I'm planning on marrying now---I got her a Glock 19 and just dressed it in pink. I care more about this one so I got her a gun she can trust ;) Plus, she had exactly 0 firearms experince when we met so I wanted her to have a simple manual of arms. But she likes my ARs so I have to keep an eye on her or she'll probably claim one soon :mad:


Bought the rear slide plate on ebay and used enamel paint on the slide.

Colonel Custer

New member

Lol with the exception of 2 guns the other 14 are either european, south american or warsaw pact. So no ARs at my house. Though Mausers, Mosins and SKS's are all around.
American Guns
1. S&W model 459 9mm
2. Marlin 22 semi rifle

I will show her the pic though.


New member
Any gun can be colored pink after the fact. Don't rule out anything just because it's the wrong color. In fact, of the guns I know of that come in pink, I don't think I would trust any of them. I think there is a M&P that comes with pink backstraps.


New member
It depends on the woman. If she will go out and practice a lot with it the auto would be fine. If she doesn't want to practice I would go with the revolver. My wife will not shoot very much and gets several stove pipes every time as she doesn't hold the gun from the recoil. I actually saw one time where the casing did a 180 and rechambered its self in the gun.


New member
She should get any reasonable cc gun that...

She will carry
She can shoot well

Anything else is secondary.

Glad she wants to carry. Seeing more and more women carrying.


New member
She wants a pretty gun with some knock down power

I quit reading here. Too funny. What "test" did she pass? The one where you shoot up 20 rounds of .22 out of a 6" ruger MKIII at a piece of paper. Sounds like she is ready to hit the streets with a pretty gun to me. You should buy her something "ugly" but effective and train-train-train. My lady wants to carry also. Why, to arm a criminal that approaches her when she pulls out her man stopper, but has no heart to pull the clowns card???? Mine is better served with some pepper foam, and some good advice to watch her surroundings.


New member
@Colonel Custer - I agree with the other poster about letting her choose. take her to the local gun shop and let her get a feel of as many she can get her hands on. You might be surprised at what she ends up picking. My wife did not like Taurus, M&P, Glock, Beretta, or CZ. It was between a P226 and XDM. She chose the XDM. It's not pink. She does have a pink rifle though.

@dascottsman - take your own advice and "train-train-train" your lady so she does not "arm a criminal"! Why limit her to pepper spray?
Just because someone wants a pink gun it does not mean, they don't know what they are doing.
sig makes a 380 that looks like a small 1911 and is easy to rack the slide back. it dose come with options of pink. it is the only one my wife can manipulate.


New member
That's the P238, it's the one I got for my wife when the S&W Bodyguard proved to difficult for her to manipulate. But my daughter, who is smaller then my wife, handles the 5" Springfield .45 I bought her new husband, and my wife actually shot it as well. It's funny how the .45 push doesn't bother them like the snappiness of other guns do.

Try the first route, give her a chance to try many and choose. But if she is like my wife, I had to choose for her. As for the P238, within 10 minutes of her first shots she thought she was in a James Bond movie and I couldn't keep the mags loaded fast enough.
have her choose. MAKE SURE SHE IS CAPABLE OF RACKING THE SLIDE! my gf is too weak to manipulate the slide on most compacts semi autos and too weak to pull the trigger on a SA revolver.


New member
Dan, did you mean a DA revolver and say SA by mistake ?

Unless I have had it all backwards my entire life, it's the SA revolvers you have to cock with your thumb first and then it's usually a pretty easy squeeze to fire.
My wife carries a C&L RIA officer's 1911, but she has her eye on that STI Elektra now... :D

But, I will post what everyone else is.. Have HER choose! All the guns that I picked out for my wife have been sold.

I would try to limit the choices to single stacks if she wears tight clothing, but there are some relatively thin staggered mag guns out there. The Smith 3913 is an often overlooked gun.

Edit, forgot to mention: contrary to what many believe the vast majority of women are NOT too weak to wrack the slide. If my elderly disabled grandmother can do it, so can she... Most just use the wrong technique: http://corneredcat.com/Rack_the_Slide/