Wife = new gun owner!


New member
So, been bugging the ole gal to get a gun of her own, not just shoot one of mine and !!! today she said ok, lets go look.:eek:
We look over every snubbie in the store, I'm trying to steer her towards a GP100 3"; she test fires and handles that and Taurus and S&W, multiple models of each. I'm not kidding when I say EVERY snubbie in the store! Kinda like shoe shopping but with a Hoppes scent in the air, y'know?;)
So what does she settle on as the most comfortable to her? A S&W Model 60, she says the trigger pull is just right for her. Of course, it was one of the most expensive guns we looked at, the ole gal is not a cheapskate! Long story short, afterwards we go and have a beer, she's asking lots of questions and plainly excited. Keeps saying, "I'm a gun owner!":D
She entered the pick-up date in her Palm Pilot, with an alarm set so she could get it exactly when it was legal (Calif. don't ya know),
I am SO glad this happened, there is a big difference in tolerating my guns and having one of her own. She's pretty cool in my book.
(read ;MORE cool)


New member
"She entered the pick-up date in her Palm Pilot, with an alarm set so she could get it exactly when it was legal (Calif. don't ya know), "

One of the nice things about Michigan is no waiting period.
It's bad enough to have to wait for a gun they have to order.
If the gun is there in stock and you still have to wait must be very frustrating.

Please post a range report...with pictures if you can.

Eric Larsen

New member
Good on her! More people should shop like she does...in the past, I wish I had....LOL. I love the Hoppes comment.....ROFLMAO! The one thing I dont miss about my ex is shopping with her....but we never looked at guns...Tell her congratulations....shoot well


New member
She's pretty cool in my book, too.

Since she picked the revolver based on operational quality as opposed to looks, sounds like she's a sharp cookie.

Do you think she might like gun games? Does she know about PPC snubnose matches?



New member
Good for both of you!


New member
I've brought up the subject of matches, she's not sure if she wants to try it. But, I figure, once she gets used to shooting her gun, she'll be a bit more receptive to the idea. In our area there's only one or two snubbie matches a year, as far as I know. But there's a guy that does the IDPA matches I do, who I know will have more info, so I'll check with him at the next event.
And you are so right about waiting!:barf:


New member
Prodigalshooter-Congrats!! I know what its like. Been married 22years and my wife has gone from bleeding heart liberal democrat to now having a gun in every room in the house(no kids). She has taken over 6 of my most favorite guns. Her bedroom one is a Glock 19, the rest are all revolvers(5shot).
She even surprised me one day by saying she put the bathroom Ruger SP101 in a gladbag after oiling so no moisture would make it rust.
Women-HUH! Gotta love 'em.

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
How About?

Old gun owner, needs new wife.

Naw, just kidding- been married too many year's (34)
too the same woman.

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member


New member
Thats nice....

My wife is still scared of guns, but she asked me the other day out of the clear blue sky, "does your gun "kick" much? I didn't know how to reply, thats kind of a "loaded" question, depending on which gun. I think she will come around, I think it is important to let your significant other make that decision in their on time and not force the issue. Its funny you mentioned the "excitement" she had. I get the same way when I get a new gun. We don't have a waiting period here in Georgia, but I usually order my gun through my local gun range and have to wait a couple of days. Hope she will be very happy with her "new toy".

Both of you be very safe.


New member
Don't shoot me- maybe you don't but a woman spends a lot of time there. Makeup,hair etc. I just have to make sure not to say anything real stupid(hard for me,I tend to say whats on my mind).


New member

When I started to date my wife she was an anti. As we became serious in our relationship I made sure that she knew where I was coming from when it came to firearms. We lived together for a while and the firearm was always out at night. Finally one day she said,"If this is going to be in the house I at least want to know how it works." To make a long story short, she enjoyed shooting and saw the passion I had torwards the 2nd Amendment. She started to educate herself on firearms and the 2A and is now an N.R.A. Firearms Instructor with me. I love the fact that she took the time to find out what it was all about. To everyone who has a wife and they do not go shooting with you, you don't know what your missing! I think I'll keep her!;) She is TFL's own Mrs.Woody6............


New member

I'm in L.A. Can you name the store you went to? I'm looking for another good gunshop. I'm down to Turner's. Thanks.


New member
Longeyes, it was Turners we went to, in San Diego. I do however, have another fellow that I do business with down here, he does have better prices, but not the big selection to fondle etc. If you are willing to come down to El Cajon, about 15 miles east from I5, his name is Timoney's Firearms, phone#619-441-9091. A real nice guy, with fair pricing. I bought my Springfield from him, for about $90 less than anyone else in town.


New member
Excellent! :D

I wouldn't feel comfortable if my wife didn't carry her Taurus M85UL .38 Special in her purse. If I had to choose between the two of us as to who would carry, I'd choose her. But I'm glad I don't have to make that choice.


New member
Have her try the Ruger SP101. Excellent gun for a lady. Small, yet heavy enough to tame recoil. Simple to use. Totally reliable.


New member
My wife did try the SP101, the GP100, several Taurus models, she has very long fingers and could not squeeze the trigger all the way on DA pulls with any gun but the Smith 60. She could do SA on all, but that required repositioning of grip to do so. So we went with the only one that actually fit.
Fiancee is good with a Ruger 22/45

My fiancee is quite good with a Ruger 22/45 and even a Glock 22.

We've been out shooting many times and she keeps running rounds through that Ruger 22/45 of mine. She didn't even flinch when shooting a .40 cal Glock 22 that belongs to a deputy buddy of mine.

I prefer the Ruger KP95DC to the Glock because I find the Glock grip angle too steep.

She has even scored well with my .223 bull-barreled single shot at 100 yards from prone.

She's a keeper.

I just know she'll understand with I get a Springfield Mil Spec 1911 soon.