Wierd News: Baby Issued Illinois Gun ID Card (merged)


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Just one of those amusing things you find in the news...

Baby Issued Illinois Gun ID Card

Baby Issued Illinois Gun ID Card

CHICAGO - Bubba Ludwig can't walk, talk or open the refrigerator door, but he does have his very own Illinois gun permit.

The card lists the baby's height (2 feet, 3 inches), weight (20 pounds) and has a scribble where the signature should be.

Click on the headline to see the full article.


New member
That is strange but there is no age limit on having a Illinois Firearms Owners I.D. card. I applied for and got one at 14 and could buy rifle ammo with it at that age.


New member
Since it's illegal to own a firearm in IL without a card, and since infants are eligible to inherit property, there's really no way that they can impose an age limit without getting into the absurdity of pressing criminal charges against an infant who inherits a firearm.


Baby gets a gun permit (some people start earlier than others)

I guess some people start earlier than others in teaching their children about guns;)

Updated:2007-05-16 15:41:26
Baby 'Bubba' Gets State Gun Permit
CHICAGO (March 15) - Bubba Ludwig cannot walk, talk or open the refrigerator door - but he does have his very own Illinois gun permit.

The 10-month-old, whose given name is Howard David Ludwig, was issued a firearm owner's identification card after his father, Howard Ludwig, paid the $5 fee and filled out the application, not expecting to actually get one.

The card lists the baby's height at 2 feet, 3 inches, weight at 20 pounds and has a scribble where the signature should be.

With some exceptions, the cards are required of any Illinois residents purchasing or possessing firearms or ammunition within the state. There are no age restrictions on the cards, an official said.

Illinois State Police oversee the application process. Their purpose, said Lt. Scott Compton, is to keep guns out of the hands of convicted felons, those under an order of protection and those convicted of domestic violence.

"Does a 10-month-old need a FOID card? No, but there are no restrictions under the act regarding age of applicants," he said.

Ludwig, 30, of Chicago, applied for the card after his own father bought Bubba a 12-gauge Beretta shotgun as a gift. The weapon will probably be kept at Ludwig's father's house until the boy is at least 14.

Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. The information contained in the AP news report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed without the prior written authority of The Associated Press. All active hyperlinks have been inserted by AOL.
2007-05-16 10:47:36


New member
I think this may be the grandfather's way of insuring the kid has the ability to be, pardon the pun, "grandfathered in" incase something happens and you can't get a firearms permit in Illinois in the future. Thats the way I looked at it anyways.