(WI) Brothers foil robbery attempt


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Brothers foil robbery attempt

Would-be thief hospitalized in critical condition
By Andy Nelesen

BELLEVUE — Everyone is thankful the gun didn’t go off … except the would-be armed robber. He’s the one who wound up in the hospital in critical condition.

“Had that gun gone off we’d be looking at a triple homicide,” said Brown County Sheriff’s Capt. Craig Kohlbeck. “He probably would have killed all three of them.”

A 20-year-old Green Bay man, who had already served time in prison for a different attempted armed robbery, showed up Tuesday at an apartment on Princeton Place in Bellevue and tried to rob the two brothers who lived there.

According to the Brown County Sheriff’s Department, the suspect was buzzed into the building at about 3 a.m. because the residents were expecting someone else. A female guest already was at the apartment.

Once inside the brothers’ apartment, the man — armed with a 9 mm handgun — demanded money.

Kohlbeck said the brothers tried talking to the robber, stalling for time. Kohlbeck said the occupants of the apartment didn’t know the suspect.

The suspect “became angry, pointed the gun at one of these individuals and pulled the trigger,” Kohlbeck said. “The gun did not fire.

“At that point, the two individuals (in the apartment) defended themselves and went after this individual and attempted to take the gun away from him.”

Kohlbeck said the fight was intense. The suspect pulled the trigger at least four more times.

“These people could hear the clicking of the firearm,” he said.

When the struggle ended, it was the suspect who needed an ambulance and the brothers had control of the gun.

Kohlbeck would not divulge the nature of his injuries. A spokesman at Aurora BayCare Medical Center said the man was in critical condition late Tuesday after surgery.

Detectives couldn’t talk to the suspect Tuesday evening because he still had a tube in his throat to help him breathe.

Authorities aren’t clear why the gun didn’t go off but speculated the suspect didn’t have a bullet in the chamber. The gun was loaded.

Kohlbeck said that the case will be reviewed by the Brown County District Attorney’s office. The brothers are not facing any immediate charges.


Talk about picking the wrong place to try and rob........