
Why are you a gun owner?

  • Raise with guns? Had them handed down by family members?

    Votes: 68 52.7%
  • Had to buy one, for work perhaps?

    Votes: 5 3.9%
  • Friends or family sparked your interest?

    Votes: 36 27.9%
  • Stumbled on this hobby by accident?

    Votes: 16 12.4%
  • Couldn't feel like a 'big kid' until you bought a boomstick?

    Votes: 4 3.1%

  • Total voters


New member
Like Nancy Kerrigan crumpled to the ground and screaming 'WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY???', i have got to know....

Why did you buy a gun? Pick this apart, tell us about your first gun, then move on to what you consider a 'break-through' gun, and finish up with why you bought the last gun?

My answers will be in the next post.


New member
I wasn't raised around guns, wasn't scared of them either. A crowning achievment in my memory was finding the .22 pistol my brother had hidden under his bed. It was a Jennings, and i successfully field stripped it following the manual in the box. even put it back together with no leftover parts. Fairly certain it still fired when i was done with it.

Occasionally a friend would bring up the subject of guns. Like when I was 18 a friend bought a glock 17, and was all hyped up about it. I wasn't all that thrilled, so I didn't give them much thought. Other friends talked about their guns and for some reason it just didn't occur to me I could own one.

Until I was 25 and helping some friends move. Buddy had a gun, and had been recently convicted of a felony, so he had to sell his gun. It was a piece of crap Kimel AP-9, almost identical to a tec-9. I wouldn't have cared what kind of gun it was, I would have bought it, because a) i had the money on hand, and b) i couldn't figure out why I hadn't bought a gun yet.

Cost me an exorbitant $350. So I started doing some research online, found more products by Kimel, and bought a mini-ap9 off auctionarms or gunbroker, i forget which.

Eventually I found TFL, and started my learning process. I was apprehensive at first about my gun, I asked my landlord if he minded having a gunowning tenant, and he was thrilled I had a growing interest in guns. I thought there was waiting periods to buy a gun, thought I had to register it, and was convinced that if my gun wasn't kept out of sight at all times it would get up and kill oodles of children.

Eventually I bought a few other guns, a Mauser, Steyr M9 and M40. Through my research I discovered that the Brady center was wrong, and my mind was changed completely. I started looking into the regulations for carrying concealed, and eventually took the course. My 'break-through' gun was the Steyr pistols, because with them I learned I could have buckets of fun plinking at the range.

Later still I discovered the 1911, and the Kimber TLE had captured my heart. Soon I dedicated all my efforts into the .45acp and sold off my 9mm's and .40s&w pistols.

The last gun I bought is a Remington Varminter, in .308, with the fluted barrel. While it would make a great hunting rifle, its probably going to be a range-toy.

As you can see, my tastes in guns evolved. My purposes for owning them changed as I learned. Now I have but one handgun, the Kimber. I don't own any .22's anymore, I have simplified my hobby. I might even wind up selling my yugo m48a's, after all i have a m98, thats sufficient, and holds much more nostalgia (did the soldier carrying it give it up with or without a fight?). heck, i dont even really have a use for that single shot 20 gauge. And the only reason I hang onto the 12 gauge is because I'll be using that as bear protection during the summers.


I put Had to buy one, for work perhaps. I am not a LEO, but I bought my Colt Official Police 4 inch about 3 years ago because 1) I travel a lot and 2) I liked that particular gun. Classic plain Jane look. I think every good man ought to learn how to use a gun and carry it. But Really I wanted to get a gun all along just because I like shooting. Fun. Guess it's a guy thing as my generation says. Ultimately it lead to my getting quite a few extra handguns.


New member
I bought my first gun about a year and a half ago, theoretically in order to hunt deer. It was a Remington 710 in .270 Win. I'd met a couple of guys I wanted to get to know better, and they hunted. I decided to take up the hobby as a means to an end: to be around them more. I soon discovered that guns and hunting were fun for their own sake.

I chose the 710 because it was cheap, and most/all the online reviews were positive. I chose .270 because I had heard that it could do everything the 30-06 could with less recoil. For a while, I was going to get a .300 Win Mag, but was saved by some benevolent force. I think that if I had gone with .300 WM, the recoil might have killed my interest. Until then, also, I didn't know much of anything about guns at the time, and was unaquainted with much of anything beyond Remington, Winchester, and Mossberg. So far, I havn't regretted my first choice.

Last winter, I set myself to learn about guns, a quest that continues today. I found TFL and THR at about this time.

My 'breakthrough' gun was my next gun, a Winchester 1300. It was the first time I made an informed choice, after considering the other options on the market, and actually handling the gun before buying it.

The last gun I bought was a Savage 11F, in 7mm WSM. I wanted it because I was interested in elk hunting, and while I know that .270 is enough gun, I just wanted something with a little more insurance. I already had a Remington, and I wanted a different brand. The Savage 11 beat out the Winchester Model 70 because I wanted to try the Accutrigger.

That's my story and I'm stick'n to it!


New member
Veteran, I saw a need to protect the sheep. I bought an Ithaca model 37, short bbl, extened mag. This was my first gun as a civilan, used one in '68.

2nd gun a FNFAL, Belgium made.


New member
Stumbled into it because of work.

Years ago I was working as the VP for an architectural firm and one day we received an RFP from the state police to design a new indoor firing range for them. Since I was charged with assembling a joint venture team and making our sales pitch (I'm not an architect), I decided it would be good to have a range owner on-board to help guide us in what we should focus on. I went out and met with a couple range owners to see who I'd want on our team. One of the guys I met with asked if I'd ever fired a gun. I hadn't. He said "Well we gotta fix that right now." We walked into the range and he handed me a pair of muffs, a box of ammo, and a Colt King Cobra. I was hooked - I had to have a gun of my own.

First gun of my own was a used Sig 226; still have it. I did a bunch of research and decided on the Sig. I would have gotten a new one, but the store didn't have a new one in stock. They had an excellent condition used one though in stock and the price was right. About a month later it was a G17. About 3 months after the G17, I obtained my own space in the building where I worked and was filing for an FFL.


New member
Raised with them. If I hadn't been raised with them I probably wouldn't have so many today, but I'd like to think that even without being brought up with guns around that I would still take my personal safety seriously enough to own a good pump gun and at least one handgun.


New member
My great grandpa had this Daisy BB Gun he used to pop the birds trying to devour the stuff in the Garden. He was in his eightes then but still had a keen eye for his age. I used to sit out there with him some afternoons. I now own that daisy BB Gun and his Savage .22/.410 :D


New member
I never fired a weapon until I entered the military in 1965. During my two tours in Vietnam (66' & 67') I fired more different weapons then I can remember (my memory isn't what it us to be). Since then I have always owned a firearm and I've carried concealed for 30 years. I currently own 12 handguns, 7 rifles and 4 shotguns. And of course I'm always wishing for more.


New member
I was torn between voting "raised around guns" and "couldn't feel like a big kid without a boomstick". I voted for the later.

I was raised around guns but I didn't have much interest in them, with the major exceptions being my muzzle loader and this one time that a friend of my father brought an AK-47 clone over. We did some shooting as family events, such as plinking with .22s, but generally I preferred video games or reading.

So time passed. I moved away from home, went to college and eventually got a job. A few years later after a camping trip I suddenly got nostalgic for some of the shooting stuff I did growing up, so I decided to look around at guns. I stumbled upon a nice used Colt Python at a local shop and bought it. That got me hooked. Then I went on a semi-auto buying spree which culminated recently in the purchase of a stainless Sig P220.

Now shooting is one of my favorite hobbies. I even dedicate a portion of my budget to ammo.


New member
I was brought up with guns on TV in the '60s and '70s. I always knew I would collect them as I got older. My first love was a plastic toy copy of the rifle/pistol from the "Man from UNCLE" series.
:D :cool: :D

Harry Callahan

New member
Riverrat, first of all, thanks for your service to our country. Thanks to ALL you veterans out there. Many of you never get the appreciation and props that you should. I, for one, will never forget your sacrifices so that I and everyone else in this country have the freedoms that many of us may seem to take for granted. That being said my grandfather in Arkansas got me infected with the gun bug. Never have gotten over it.


New member
Too much G.I. Joe as a child. :D

Actually, my dad let me handle his 1956 Colt Gold Cup when I was eight. Mom frreaked when she found out (she hates guns) and I didn't see it again until I was 24. :( But it sparked my interest early. I was constantly buying gun rags when I was a teenager. I used to browse in a local gun shop that I would pass while walking to work when I was 18. Then I joined the military, bought a M9 Special Edition when I was 21 right after I got home from Bosnia. Been hooked ever since. I consider it my breakthrough gun. My last guns were a Colt Gunsite CCO from Wildalaska and a Python I bought off of cousinelmer1. I got the CCO because I had just applied for my TX CHL. I had an original Colt CCO before, but sold it to IZHUMINTER because he wanted it for CC and I needed the cash. :( The Python I bought because I wanted to try out a revolver and my dad had always talked about how much he wanted one. Next time I head up to WA state to see the folks, I'm definitely taking the Colts (and a few others). And I'll drag Mom with us to the range if I have to. ;)


New member
None of the above

I bought my first firearm as the AWB was in the process of being passed - a horrible and dangerous xray-fooling Glock handgun.

Why did I buy it? Because I thought the upcoming AWB bill was going to ban it, instead of just the standard-cap magazines it came with. That pissed me off, so I went down to the local gun store to pick one up. If I'd had more money then, I woulda bought more eeevile "assault weapons".

Good job, grabbers! That's one "evil, yet somehow never shot anyone as long as I've owned it" no-doubt-soon-to-be-child-killing deathpipe that would never have been bought if not for your meddling!

Not to mention the Red State Hatred[tm] I've been spreading ever since that day - when I discovered our political processes could be easily co-opted by fatuous ninnies intent on denying both our inalienable rights and reality.

I hope you're proud. :p


New member
Harry Callahan,

Thanks for the kind words. You said it right when you said "infected with the gun bug and never have gotten over it".

Collecting firearms is like a disease. The more I get the more I want. There always seems to be that "one more" that I need. In fact, I've got my eye on two right now that I need like I need a hole in the head!


New member
mine is kind of three fold I the first is because my grandfather let us shoot on the farm ( my mom is a avid anti ) the second I was going to be a state LEO , having never fired a handgun I learned the proper way to use an handle a firearms , the third after 7 years of not handling a gun my friends took me shooting , well the bug bit me ( actually beat me silly ) since then I have bought a large collection of .357s and will keep shooting them .