Why would 9 mm +P+ ammo be cheaper than the same regular pressure???

I'm looking at some Speer Gold Dot ammo ( 115 grain ) bulk ( 1000 rounds ) & the +P+ is $60.00 cheaper than the standard pressure...

seems kinda backwards... only thing I can think of, is the distributor bought the standard pressure back closer to the shortage & paid more???

anything I'm missing here???

could the powders be different with the pressure curve that causes the +P+ pressures be cheaper than powders that provide standard pressures???
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James K

Member In Memoriam
I doubt there is any deep technical reason. More likely normal commercial reasons like the manufacturer was overstocked, needed cash flow or decided to promote the product, and the deal got passed down the line. Be happy; the customer gets very few breaks on anything today.



New member
Good if you want the +P+. I buy Underwood anyway. The standard pressure stuff uses a Nosler bullet the +p and +p+ can be had with GoldDots.


New member
Because not many people want 1000rd cases of +p+. Since +p+ is teetering so close to max pressure it's one of those rounds most people shoot just enough to function test and then just keep their mags loaded with them, not shoot through a case of 10000. They have probably been sitting on them and need to move them.

Bongo Boy

New member
Since +p+ is teetering so close to max pressure

Whose max pressure? I don't think "+P+" is 'teetering' close to anything. It isn't even defined. It is whatever the manufacturer says it is, and nothing more or less.

I don't know of ANY source of standards, or recommendations, for peak pressure for small arms ammo in the US other than SAAMI, and SAMMI doesn't make recommendations for +P+ in any cartridge. Am I wrong?

I'm pretty sure +P+ is complete marketing BS no different than saying 'premium' or 'super performance' or 'ultra' or 'mondo honkous'.


New member
Whose max pressure? I don't think "+P+" is 'teetering' close to anything. It isn't even defined. It is whatever the manufacturer says it is, and nothing more or less.

I don't know of ANY source of standards, or recommendations, for peak pressure for small arms ammo in the US other than SAAMI, and SAMMI doesn't make recommendations for +P+ in any cartridge. Am I wrong?

SAAMI's max pressure listed for 9mm +p is 38.5k, therefore anything over that can be considered +p+.


New member
The amount of powder in 9mm is so small that cost differential between regular pressure and +p+ is irrelevant. I'm sure the manufacturers are paying way less than $.01 per round for the powder in a 9mm cases. Powder is the cheapest component of a 9mm round.


New member
I would say that this is almost definitely a supply and demand issue. I can't imagine needing 1000 rounds of hot loaded carry ammo, but if it trips your trigger, it sounds like a good deal.

T. O'Heir

New member
Supply and demand is the only thing that influences pricing. The powders used or the pressure of the ammo has nothing whatever to do with it.
Midway shows all Speer Gold Dot ammo as out of stock and most with no back order. Ditto for Grafs. And no +P+ at either. So if you're seeing it at all, you'd best jump if you want it.