Why We Should Vote For Al Gore


New member
This post does not address gun owners, you already know the score, but you can read it for laughs, if you please.

This post is for undecided lurkers, people on this board who are not members of the firearms community but are concerned about
what little remains of our Constitutional
Rights,Copyright 1776,All Rights Reserved.

Well, I am sure that Bill and Al would
like for all rights to be reserved unto the federal government, even if most of the people and some few of the sheeple may tend to disagree.

If you own a firearm, you are a people but if you are voulintarly disarmed, you are a defenseless sheeple and depend on a cop on the phone for your protection; 911 dial a prayer .Dial 911 and wait to die.

I believe in hedging my bets; I dial 911 and
pray police arrive before I need to defend
myself.If the phone wires have been cut,I just pray I see the bad guys before they see me!
I also have a almost foolproff anti confrontation tequnique . I run and either
keep running or hide and keep real quite, for a long ,long time. The best way to win is not to fight to begin with but some day
I might get conored, I hope not, but that is what the gun is for: as a last resort to prevent violence from occuring;Shoot to live, not shoot to kill.
Many times , an attacker will break off his attack by just seeing your gun--no need to point or fire.

I wandered a bit off my chosen topic as I frequently do, but I am in good company as
Ronald Reagon, (God Bless Him) also did this frequently.

Anyways , to resume or at least start.

You see, I have this gun collection in my safes that it took me 15 years of saving up for to aquire and I have too much money in my pocket and of course being of limited
brainal capacity, I dont know how to spend it as wisely as a democratic federal administration.

But, not to worry,
because if Al Gore gets elected,
Gore will make the USA a safer place
for all of us to live in because he will

force me to register all of my 120 firearms
at a cost of $50.oo each x 120 = $6,000.oo
each year;

that is,if the fee remains only
$50.oo each firearm per year.

However, AL likes to change the rules as the whim suits him , so the fee could go up to 150.oo or more, per firearm per year.

Whats his favorite line?
"No Regulating Authority " or
some such bs.

Us gun collectors are dangerious fellows.
We take our firearms out of our safes every 2 months or so to oil them so that they dont rust and to the gun club shooting range to fire a few of them, 8 or 10 times a year.

Ocasionally we even invite close friends from our gun clubs over to dinner and to view our collections. We like to brag about
our favorite "toys" and watch fellow collectors drool with envy! We might even decide to swap some of the guns in our collections to each other through employing the services of our local federally licensed firearms dealer (ffl) to do the legal state and federal paperwork on our behalf , for a fee that we pay him.

We are therefore deemed evil by Al Gore and Bill Clinton and should be charged $6,000.oo each and every year (120 guns x $50.oo per gun per year, just "some reasonable gun control" says Al) to be
allowed the God Given Right to keep and bear arms which

the US Constitution, Copyright 1765,@
All Rights Reserved ,

guarantees "shall not be infringed."

I'm not qiute sure which part Mr Gore misunderstands--- What is the meaning of
"shall not"
or just how much abridgement of our civil rights constitutes adiquate infringement.

I suspose if he allows us each one muzzle
loading single shot pyrodex rifle, as far as he is concerned, our rights have not been
conpletely and totally yet infringed.

I mention pyrodex because black powder will be banned as an explosive. It is already a highly restricted substance that can only be sold by those with a federal explosives

I think rights should have to be bought and paid for and "allowed" after a properly intrusive and time consuming government investigation and paid for yet again in the form of a yearly government granted "license" only
after a long and expensive training course
administered by an appointed government bureaucrat and with a stiff information specific exam that can not be passed with common sense test.

A funny thing nagging me in the back of my mind though; I seem to remember

regestering all 120 of my firearms with the State Special Liciensing and Firearms Unit, Dept of Public Safety, before the gun shops
would release the firearms to me.

And, I seem to remember taking a NRA Certified Pistol Safety and Marksmanship
Course for a 106.oo fee and being issued a city permit to carry,pistols and revolvers
for a fee of $35.oo for the permit and an
additional fee of $24.00 for the optional
at the local police dept discression
( not mandinatory) FBI fingerprinting.

Then, after I had done all this, at a cost to my pocket of $165.oo, I was then
"'allowed'" to purchase a state permit for
an additional $35.oo every 5 years which would actually "allow" me to purchase a hand gun after a "Brady Bill 5 day "instant check"
of my non existant no violations record.

See, the "Instant Check" takes about 5 minutes of computer time after a 5 day
annoiance wait.

I also seem to remember spending 2 weeks taking the NRA Certified Pistol Safety and Marksmanship Course and waiting the manditory 10 weeks for the city permit and then waiting an additional 4 weeks for the
state Permit which finally allowed me to legally purchase a hand gun.

Thats not too bad; I only had to wait a total of 16 weeks,a mere 4 months to extercise my God Given and Constitutionally
Guaranteed, Copyright 1765, All Rights Reserved, so called "Rights". And it only cost me a mere $200.oo total out of pocket expenses for my God Given Rights.

So you see, all of this is still not good enough for Al Gore, he is still calling for federal registration and federal licensing of
all firearms and all firearms owners.
And at an additional cost to me of 50.oo per gun yearly and 200.oo per license and yearly
licensing test.

I think that any one that is that hippocritical deserves a vacation for the next 4 years in Tennessee,employed in the private sector, where he can not cause further "harm".

I guess that my state license, my city license, permit to carry, pistols and revolvers and my NRA Certified Pistol Safety & Marksmanship Course
just are not good enough for the likes of
Al Gore, the inventor of the internet.

Funny, I thought Bill Gates and that
Apple guy had something to do with inventing the internet; but I heard Al Goar say it on tv, so it must be true.

After all, no one ever lies on tv and if you
don't believe me, just ask Bill "oral office"
Klinton what the meaning of is "is".

And don't forget, Bill has been teaching Al
all his dirty tricks, dis-information techniques and evasions for the past 8 years now.

Here I should like to point out that after all that I went through, with the NRA Course,
the city permit and the state permit and the registering of all my firearms with the state,as well as undergoing an "instant check" and an unique sales authorization number issued by the state for each and every firearm purchased (thats 120 instant checks and 120 unique sales authorization
numbers keyed to the make and serial number and owner of each firearm:>


If childern are getting firearms it is because they are stealing them or the firearms are being supplied by criminal gun smugglers, both foriegn and domestic.

What, me vote for Al Gore??
Not if he paid me 40,000.oo dollars or put a gun to my head, or both!

Any one wishing to repost, copy or distribute
this informational satire has my permission to do so. I ask only that you do not change it unelse you delete my name from it.

You can add to it if you include a disclaimer that your views are soley your views and are kept seperate from my views.

[This message has been edited by ernest2 (edited September 25, 2000).]


New member
Ernest2, I can relate.

Didnt you hear its for the occupants of the global village? You know it takes a village to raise a child. I think Owlgore is the witch doktor of our village.Maybe busch will beat him in the spear throwing or head shrinking contest? Based on your post it seems apparent you dont want to be part of the village? Is this true? :)


New member
Good Satire, I would however correct your 1765 copyright dates, I believe the 2nd was ratified in 1791 or 92? This would be a goodone for a lot of the unknowing to read. May wake them up a bit.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.