Why the wads?

Uncle Buck

New member
I am loading some .45 Colt rounds with FFFg and I have placed the felt wads between the powder and the bullet.

What is the purpose of the felt wads? Are they absolutely required? (I am using Muzzleloader Originals.)

I remember using them when I was a kid and watching the old man load his cap and ball revolvers, but never fully understood why they were needed.

Thanks guys.


New member
I don't use wads with cartridges. Wads with cap and ball help prevent chain fires. They do help keep the bore cleaner but I never saw the need for them with my 44-40's.


New member
Nope....some people do....some people don't. It's one of many ways to get some lube in there for your BP residue. I load 45 Colt with and without lubed felt wads. I also used Walter Wads and I also put my own lube in the bullet grooves.

Uncle Buck

New member
So I guess the biggest thing to make sure of is there is no space between the powder and the bullet.

Wads are nice, but not necessary.


New member
I use heavily lubed felt wads to keep the fouling soft.

But, I can shoot several cylinders with no wads and the gun shoots fine.


New member
Helps to prevent chain fire.

Fills the space between ball and powder.

Depending on the thickness of the wad, and how much powder, can aid in placing the ball closer to the mouth of the chamber ( although this is also accomplished with filler materials of various types ).


New member
Hey fellas....the OP is specifically asking about using felt wads (I assume lubricated) between the power and bullet (not ball) in a 45 Colt BP cartridge. I think he wants to know if he should be using a felt wad in a cartridge. The answer for cartridges and the answer for cap-n-ball could be a little different.


New member
I've used them if there would be space between the bullet and the powder in the case. Otherwise, no.

Tangential to the topic, I also use thick wads in brass shotshells to fill up the stack - I can't stand to see the overshot card way down in the shell. Just an idiosyncrasy, I guess.

Fingers McGee

New member
I always use them in C&Bs. I tried them in .45 colt back when I started shooting CAS. I could see no difference between using them or not using them in a CAS application. Accuracy didn't seem to be any different, and they didn't keep the pistols or rifle any cleaner IMNSHO. They might make a difference in a precision shooting though.


Uncle Buck

New member
Again, Thank you guys.

I have some nephews comming at the end of August who have never seen a black powder round being fired, so I figured this would be a good chance for them to see, feel and smell what the old rounds were like.

Now I am even considering a set of cap and ball pistols....

Fingers McGee

New member
Hardcase said:
Just remember...a "set" is an indeterminate number!

Boy, aint that the truth. Just getting a set of normal production 2nd Gens is over 40. If you count the less than 100 limited edition and one of a kind models, the total goes over 60


New member
If your bullets have grooves for lube, there is really no reason to use a wad unless you want a slightly reduced power load.


im no expert here but if your talking cap and ball pistol. isnt there some kinda goop that you put in the cylinder holes, like you scoop it out and fill it in there to prevent the chain fire.


New member
Unless you are using BigLube bullets the grooves are rather small and don't hold much lube for BP shootin'.

Not if you're using the right bullets.

The standard RNFP 454190 was made for BP, and Keith's old 454424 has a huge groove. No problems here so far. Besides, only the lube in the thin edges of the wad does any good. All the rest of the lube in the wad is a'wasted.


New member

I suspect the "goop" you're talking about is Bore Butter. But there's a lot of people who use Crisco. It's placed on the mouth of the chambers after the ball has been pushed down into place, and used as a sealant against chain fire. It will also serve as a lubricant to reduce fouling ( it's says it's supposed to, anyway.....)


New member
A consideration is: The wads will often stick to the base of the bullet as it travels down range. No big deal with pistol rounds at short ranges but can be a killer of rifle accuracy.


I use smokeless in my 45 Colt rounds but I've always been told on muzzle loaders and cap and ball pistols to seat the ball so there in no air space- a big no no. I never thought about black powder cartridges- does having an air space in a black powder cartridge create a hazard? Thanks.