Why so many Sig P6 on the market?


New member
Forgive the question if its been done to death. I'm interested in the 225 so I halfway look around at the compact 9mm. I read there was an influx of P6s on the market for pretty darn cheap from overseas. Now I see them everywhere for sale. Are folks trying to get a little flip-this-gun action going on?


New member
I'm pretty sure they're police trade in pistols. Most of the guns will come with a manual, but it will be in German, at least the ones i've seen.


New member
It was a German LE issue pistol. They moved up to another weapon and surplused the old ones to recover at least a portion of the cost of outfitting with new guns. 225s still command a premium. When you find one, it's going to cost at least $500 and, if really nice, close to $600. Anybody selling a P6 for $500 right now better be joking or they should be lynched.


New member
SouthPaw, that's what I was thinking. I knew the back story about them being LE pistols. But I'm starting to see P6 listed for much more than I thought they should be listed for. So I was wondering if it was just me being misinformed or if folks were trying to up the value to score a little extra on their investment.


New member
Of course, pristine P6 (there are a few) are going to be worth a little more. Maybe a $50 premium. Anything more, right now at least, and it's an intentional ripoff. Generally, wholesalers are pricing them somehwere around $260. That really shouldn't translate into any more than $300-350 tops if the shop orders it for you. Many wholesalers are setup to take you payment over the phone and have the gunshop treat it as a transfer (you run a gun you already bought through the shop for legal/paperwork purposes).


New member
I got mine from Gander Mountain for $325 with a manual in german, 2 mags and a decent aftermarket hard case. After 2 more mags and a holster I was around $400. No major issues with mine just holster wear on the slide mainly, some on the frame.

I could have gotten one from Interstate Arms for $265, but after the $30 shipping and $30 transfer fee on both ends I was looking at $355 for the gun, a cheap aftermarket case and 1 mag.


New member
One advantage of paying a little more and buying one from a gunstore that stocks them is that you get to pick and choose to get the very best condition you can find. Extra factory mags at a reasonable price are very rare. Grips are even worse. Sure you can get a set of Nill grips for nearly half the cost of the gun. There's another guy out there making them (and doiing a damned fine job too), but the name escapes me. He's in Bulgaria or something.


New member
A few of the late model P6's are showing up as well. Mine was made in 97 and actually comes in a P225 box with a factory P6 label on it. I've owned a couple of P6's and this one is not distinguishable fit & finish wise from my commercial P225. I suspect Sig threw some loop hammers on P225s to meet contract demand possibly...


I too got mine from Gander Mountain a while back too. Got to pick from 4 of them so the one I got looked almost brand new. Whole lot of gun for the money.


New member
My local gunshops (Two!) wouldn't/couldn't get one in under $400. I'm still sore about it - enough that I got a C&R to bypass them for a little while until the sting subsides. Jerks. :mad: