Why so many mags?


New member
Another thread asks how many mags you have. I see folks with as many as 10 mags per gun.

Question: Why so many mags? I've got two 13 round mags for my Bersa .40. Why do I need more than 26 rounds available for one gun?


New member
I rotate mags, use some in competition and others just on the range if unsure of origin or reliability. Plus, a one mag gun is a single shot should the mag become lost or damaged.


New member
Whenever I buy a 1911, I get 1 or 2 with the gun. And the Springfield ones were awful, so I replaced those with Wilsons. 2 Springfields + 2 Wilsons + 2 Colts... and I'm not done buying 1911s! ;)

I got 3 with my Sig, then I wanted 2 10 rounders for IPSC.


New member
First of all, because the magazines are often the weakest link. Mag springs wear with use and become weak. Magazine bodies and feed lips can be bent. This is esp true if you do any hard training where mags are allowed to fall to the ground for the sake of brevity during reloads. It helps to have extra mags laying around in the event that one goes Tango Uniform.

Secondly, because in many cases, magazines can be seen as an investment. You can buy a 15 round magazine for your Glock now for under $20 in some places. If the Dems take office, you won't be able to find the same mag for twice the price within a couple years once they get another AWB in effect. Mags that you can stock up on now days for relatively cheap may be unavailable in two or three years, or very expensive to obtain. Stockpiling a few for future use, then, makes sense.

I don't have many for my handguns, or really all that many for my rifles. I have about nine or ten 30 round AK mags and about a dozen 20 round M1A mags. By the time the next Pres. takes office in Jan of 09 I plan to have a G21SF, a Para FAL, and at least fifteen standard capacity magazines for every gun in my collection. Of these, I might only keep five or six in circulation at any given time with a few set aside for the end of the world and a few others used in rotation.

It makes sense to buy mags now if for no other reason than that they will be worth their weight in gold soon. Simply as an investment, if they get grandfathered in to the next AWB, you'll be able to put your children through college with them in a matter of a few years.


New member
because magazines are cheap(ish) and they tend to be the most abused thing on the gun.

plus it's nice to have a bunch of loaded magazines at the range, a couple of them loaded with a random dummy round or two. Blast away and click, no bang!

tap it, rack it and shoot it, it's great practice that you can't get without a couple of magazines.


New member
What those guys said...

Most of all why: just in case of zombie attack. ;)

You dont want to be reloading magazines in the heat of battle with 100 zombies trying to eat your brains. You just wanna drop an empty and pop in a fresh one. :D


New member
+1 on the range use. I'd rather be able to go through about 10 magazines before re-loading so I don't have to stop in the middle of a good run ;)


New member
Depends on the gun and what I do with it. For my range .45 that is used for fun I have 4, the two that came with the gun and two extras just in case of a break or an unreliable one. I have two 9mm XDs that can use the same mags. I carry one everyday so I have 10 mags for the two. 8-16 rounders, 1-10 round compact and 1-16round with a sleeve for the compact. I shoot these guns the most and imagine I will wind up with mag related issue, hence the backups. .22 range toy gets three 10 round mags because it came with three.

I guess I buy a few extras for the range toys just so I don't have an issue, but with the carry guns I make sure I have spares.


New member
I usually tend to have 6-8 mags per handgun I own. I really don't have a good reason why. Whenever I get a new pistol, I feel the need to buy extra mags for it.


New member
Forget the zombies, worry about the Dems!

"If the Dems take office, you won't be able to find the same mag for twice the price within a couple years once they get another AWB in effect.."

Best answer yet. :eek: Looks like I need to get some more Bersa .40 mags!
Mostly because I don't like loading mags. When I sit down and clean my guns after a trip to the range I load all my magazines while I'm still in the mood for tedious tasks. That way when I go to the range the next time I can just set up a target, start shooting, and then keep on shooting for quite a while without any need for thumb exercise.

It's also nice to have plenty of spares when one or two start developing problems or get worn out from constant use.


New member
I bought many of my mags before the ban and now I have enough that if anything fails, I still have enough to continue or to use a couple as spare parts...


New member
Question: Why so many mags? I've got two 13 round mags for my Bersa .40. Why do I need more than 26 rounds available for one gun?

You can pre-load them the night prior to range day. That way you can spend more time shooting, and less time reloading your mags.


New member
How many spark plugs would you buy for your car if you were fairly certain the Democrats would ban production in 1-2 years? They already did it once for mags over 10 rounds with help from a fair number of Republicans!


New member
Did you happen to check the price and availability of pre-ban mags before Sept 06? Glock mags were $50+, cheap-ax plastic 10/22 25-30 round mags were $50.

Each is now $15, give or take.

Next AWB? Who knows? If existing mags are not grandfathered, all bets are off.


New member
I tried to give you a hint when I posted in that thread...I have several 1911 styles pistols so it's not hard to have a couple dozens mags...those that came with the pistol...and those that I have bought...Wilson 47D's.


plus it's nice to have a bunch of loaded magazines at the range, a couple of them loaded with a random dummy round or two. Blast away and click, no bang!

Great idea!
I like extra mags around because, they wear out, and when the next ban comes around I get the feeling there wont be a sunset clause with it.

CDNN has 30 rnd Eagle mags for the 10/22 for $7.99 right now...


New member
If the next AWB does not grandfather them then that is a whole different problem. Myself, I take most mags and guns whenever I go canoeing, "for safe keeping". But, if I ever capsize, the mags and many guns will likely go to the bottom and be lost.


New member
Same as above...............

I remember the days of the $50 ruger 30 round 22 mag..............glock anything hi cap (32 round etc.) $100 and up....... You will always be able to get them just depends on how much you want to spend in the next few years.