Why Revolvers Make Better Carry Weapons than Semiautos


New member
I just went through this exercise (argument) with a friend and I thought it would be good to get everyone else's input. I could list a hundred reasons but I will start with just one and let everyone else add their one reason. This could be fun. Please resist the urge to write a complete treatise and just list your top reason.

My one reason: If I have a misfire, I just pull the trigger to get another chamber and another round without the need to rack-jack-slap.
I'm a lot more comfortable with a revolver, and with a few exceptions I tend to shoot and handle them better.

Comfort level and familiarity should always be high on the list as to why you choose any particular handgun on which to stake your life.


New member
I carry a wheelgun as a backup, I like both. I would say my Smith Model 10 is a great carry gun because I know I will hit what I shoot at - it is wicked accurate.


since I carry two autos.. one on each side..highly doubt that both can fail at the same time
wow.......never had the need for that type of firepower personally.........and try not to be in neighborhoods that would require it......


New member
actually i felt more balanced...so to speak... it felt more comfortable to me than just having the one on the right side.

Remington 51

New member
Since this IS the revolver forum, I expect to see arguments made on behalf of the revolver.

Bill Jordan, in his classic No Second Place Winner, makes a very good argument on behalf of the revolver for police use. As a Marine officer, he was no stranger to the virtues of the 1911.

Me.....I have always been more comfortable with the higher-end autos that have proven themselves to me on the range. But then, that's me. Not that I would ever argue with Bill or other educated devotees of the revolver.


New member

Simplicity is my chief reason for carrying a revolver. It's the one handgun type that my petite wife and I can both operate. Bill Jordan was also an advocate for simplicity. In his article, Revolvers Are the Only Choice, he wrote, "Simplicity! Not extra rounds in a magazine or superior loading speed. A man getting shot at has all the complications he needs, and with the revolver he does not have to think - just point and pull the trigger. Something will surely happen."

And to quote Marko Kloos, "... I feel no need to carry half a box of ammo around in my gun to feel well armed."


New member
There is no slide that must remain in battery to fire, or cycle to ready a second round with a revolver. A CC SD situation is very likely to be up close and personal greatly increasing the chance of failure to function with a semi auto.

There are several other reasons I carry a revo but that one is the biggest.


New member
much more reliable, reason I choose to carry a wheel gun

In VERY FEW respects.

No revolver in the world can come close to passing the same reliability tests under the severe conditions that semi-autos are subject to. In truth, the revolver is somewhat fragile and rounds can stick when cylinders get dirty, dirt can get under the ejector star, etc.

But of course, there's always that oft quoted advantage of just being able to pull the trigger again in case of a misfire.:rolleyes:

Carrying a revolver is fine. I like them myself--my BUG is a 642 (or LCR). They're still a good tool, even as a primary, but why justify them by making them something they aren't?

Just my thoughts on the matter.:cool:


New member
jessie james and doc holiday carried a wheel and thats all that needs to be said :D but my person carries a .357 snub i kinda think of my extra firepower per cal. not number of rounds


New member
Awesome carry gun...




My one reason: If I have a misfire, I just pull the trigger to get another chamber and another round without the need to rack-jack-slap.

I'm a revolver guy, but I can "rack-jack-slap" pretty quickly. Almost as fast as....

Thank you Fiocchi!:D


New member
No revolver in the world can come close to passing the same reliability tests under the severe conditions that semi-autos are subject to. In truth, the revolver is somewhat fragile and rounds can stick when cylinders get dirty, dirt can get under the ejector star, etc.
While giving the nod to the semi-autos in this regard, you'll also find that the uber-pricey pistols are more tightly fitted than military grade guns and just as likely to malf as a revolver dropped in the mud.

Generally speaking, the revolver is more accurate due to the fixed barrel. The margin may be small in high quality guns, but it's there.

There is one place in which revolvers also excel.

Sheer, unadulterated power.

The .357 Sig is a one trick dog & pony show. The 10mm has been neutered, though in it's original form it came close to the .41 Magnum. The massive Desert Eagles are hardly carry guns.

In a fight, I think it'll come down to who can get off the first three shots accurately and on target the fastest.


New member
I learned how to shoot firing revolvers, da, and owned and shot them for years before I picked up my first semiauto. I know I'm in a small minority but I'm just more comfortable shooting a double action revolver than I am any semi-. I shoot revolvers far more accurately and consistently than I do semiautos. I love my 1911, but for me, the revolver trigger is what makes the difference.


New member
We did the "why revolvers are better" list last month, but here it is again -

  • Higher power ammo available
  • No picking up brass
  • Simpler to operate
  • Longer barrels better for hunting
  • No racking the slide, easier for arthritic/weaker hands
  • Pull the trigger and it goes bang. If it doesn't, pull the trigger again.
  • No clearing jams
  • Easier for a novice to load and unload
  • No magazines to bend/have springs go bad/lose, etc.
  • No safeties to have to remember to flip off (some semis)
  • No confusion about whether you are shooting single/double action (some semis)
  • No small pieces to fly away and get lost while cleaning
  • Can be fired repeatedly at point-blank range (pressed against target)
  • Less sensitive to poor ammo
  • Limp-wristing not an issue
  • Highest power-to-size ratio available (.357 snub)
  • Easier to determine loaded/unloaded status and # of rounds available
    [*]Hammerless or shrouded revolvers fire from pockets without getting snagged
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