Why no NRA?

fairview mick

New member
This you could consider a tap on the wrist of all gun owners, shooters etc who say there is no strength in numbers or there is no reason to support the NRA. . I posted a year or so ago about the reason for joining NRA. Now, because of the recent elections, the NRA need members more than ever to fight the polititions who wish to take our guns, make lead a controlled substance and any other thing they can do to take away our rights to our firearms. I'm a life member and donate as much as my budget will allow. Just being a member helps by showing numbers. Don't sit back and say "That will never happen, or let someone else do it". That was the response that some gave last year on my post. There were comments that the NRA was a rip off, and really any excuse they could come up with not to join. God help us if Ms. Clinton or anyone else like her gets elected, because they have threatened more than once, "There will be no guns in citizens hands"
THINK ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you're not a member, get of your butt and become one.


I have a question for NRA members, and military members. How exactly does the government/military view the NRA? When I signed up and did my Confidential clearance security interview for the Military Police, I agreed not to associate with any "extremist" organizations. Would membership in the NRA raise any security red flags? I really don't want to raise any questions or lose my job because of something like this, especially since I want to become a CID Special Agent in the coming years, and they WILL look into anything and everything.

PS, I don't want to start a "that's none of the military's business" anti-authority argument.


A failed NRA!

I think the NRA has been failing at thier job here in the State of Illinois. I know with the entire state being run by the mayor of chicago (King R. M. Daley) and an anti-gun crowd it proves to be a challange, but the NRA has given up here. Thats why I don't waste the 35 bucks. I just figure I'll need the money to hire a lawyer when the heat comes down.
Just to add, if you think Mayor Daley doesn't control Govoner Blagovich you are not versed in Illinois politics or your nieve.
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Unfortunately, I have to say +1 on your comment on Mayor Daley on controlling Gov. Blag.
Whether the NRA has given up on Illinois, I don't have facts to back my disagreement. But, I also don't see them making Chicago a main focus. They do at the Capitol, but at the rate Chicago and Minneapolis politics is taking over the Midwest, you would think they should be.

I've had several disagreements with the NRA, but I still stand behind them. They are one of the most influential organizations in the USA. And that only happens if we put the smaller differences behind and unite.


New member
This one looks to be shaping up as a Legal & Political thread, so I'm going to shuffle it over there. :)

BILLDAVE, I understand what you're saying. Don't usually get involved in the NRA threads much, and I've said this before in another thread, but last week I was at a hearing in Olympia, Washington, helping lend my voice to the "gun show loophole" debate.

One of the people supporting the nasty bill testified, in part (this is from memory and not verbatim), "There are X million gun owners in this country, but only Y million members of the NRA. That means Z million gun owners have rejected the NRA's extremist views and do not consider that the NRA represents them."

Love 'em or hate 'em, you know what? The antis are watching. They think that those who don't join the NRA, don't join because the NRA is too pro-rights for us.

Think about it...



Pax and tuttle8, I thought I was going to take some heat for my post. Thanks for understanding and your insights. I will think not only think about it, I might send them a check if I know it will pi--off the anti-gun crowd.


New member
Fairview Mick...

Fairview Mick wrote:

>God help us if Ms. Clinton or anyone else like her gets elected, because they have threatened
>more than once, "There will be no guns in citizens hands"

First of all, who are "they"? The Clintons, the Democrats?

Secondly, can you cite a reputable source to back up your assertion?


New member
Ah, I gave you heat on the other thread. :)

Not trying to bust your kneecaps here or anything. And believe me, I do understand your frustration! (I lived in California for many years ...)

It just seems to me that it'd be difficult for the NRA to make much progress at all without lotsa local support. But you're saying you don't want to give them that support, because they haven't made much progress. I think it's kind of a "which came first, the chicken or the egg" sort of deal.



New member
"Secondly, can you cite a reputable source to back up your assertion?"

Maybe "they" include United States Senator Dianne Feinstein:

"If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them, Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in, I would have done it."



New member
did my Confidential clearance security interview for the Military Police, I agreed not to associate with any "extremist" organizations.

I was an NRA member before and during my military service. Had no effect on my security clearance. They still taught me how to operate a nuclear reactor, let me circle the globe a few times underwater and gave me an M16 and stood me next to nuclear weapons with the opportunity to shoot anyone messing with them. I received dozens of gun magazines on the sub.


New member
This is the reason the Anti gun forces are so strong in IL.

"A failed NRA!
I think the NRA has been failing at thier job here in the State of Illinois. I know with the entire state being run by the mayor of chicago (King R. M. Daley) and an anti-gun crowd it proves to be a challange, but the NRA has given up here. Thats why I don't waste the 35 bucks. I just figure I'll need the money to hire a lawyer when the heat comes down.
Just to add, if you think Mayor Daley doesn't control Govoner Blagovich you are not versed in Illinois politics or your nieve."

This is exactly the lame type of excuse that pisses me off. If your excuse making type do not support the NRA, how the HECK do you expect the NRA to make any progress in your state? The NRA needs money to get anything done.
Easy there Kimberfan,
He just stated that he might become a member anyway.

I can list the "they" list a mile long on what I think "they" are. This thread would be shut down due to it not keeping to the OP. But, I think TimRb stated it best with Fiensteins statement. She's a perfect example of many. If that statement doesn't wake you up, I don't think my rhetoric will either.


New member
The NRA needs our support. That's the bottom line. Gun owners need to develop solidarity. Fence-sitters are fine... so are libs. I know enough not to waste my breath on them. The attitude I can't abide is the one that feels there is no serious threat to firearms ownership in the U.S. If the House and Senate remain Dem. in 08, and the White House goes to a Dem as well, they will gut firearms ownership. If that's o.k. with you, then fine, don't lend support. However, many of us can see the thunderhead building. At what point in the transition to a gun-free state do you decide it's an important issue? When the rescind all CCW? When they ban semi-autos? When they ban handguns? When they ban everything but break-actions? When they halt the production of new firearms? Ever hear the story about boiling a frog real slow?


New member
It really amazes me that some gun owners would slam the NRA. It's not just our advocate, but a champion of our constitutional rights.

Aside from the very good work it's doing at the state and federal levels, its youth and adult education programs, by themselves should earn membership consideration by every gun owner.

Many NRA critics, who own guns probably aren't even NRA members. Build up, don't tear down.

The NRA needs our support, time and treasure.


I am not a member because I do not think they do a good job of representing me as a gun owner.

The NRA has lost its focus. Protecting the 2nd and our guns rights are no longer their primary goal. Their own preservation is the primary goal. Whenever any orgainization reaches a certain size it naturally looses focus. The NRA spends more of your money on self preservation then on anything else.

I do not see enough outreach and education by the NRA. If fully support others choice to join the NRA but I do not think that it is fair for people to attack others who do not.

I personally think that smaller groups like the VCDL in VA are much more effective in presenting and furthering the cause of the 2nd.

Flame away.


New member
rellascout ~

If you are even moderately involved in RKBA politics, you soon realize that our politicians really are frightened by the 900-pound gorilla that is the NRA. The NRA isn't going to go away at this point (it's too big to simply vanish), but if all of the "no compromise" people drop out of the NRA, guess which way the NRA is going to lobby? If you really & truly believe in no compromise, you should be a voting member of the NRA rather than leaving the NRA for the compromisers to run.



My problem with the NRA is that I do not agree with the tact they are taking in protecting our rights. They do not want to secure our rights they need our rights to be in constant jeopardy in order to fund their existence. They are the primary source of divisive verbiage and polarization on the gun issue. Crap like "from my cold dead hand" only work to widen the divide. They need the Brady crowd as much as the Brady crowd needs the NRA. They feed each other. They spend the majority of money for political favors that continue this dichotomy.

I get more calls from them asking for money and asking me to vote in poorly worded polls at all hours of the day. They are always asking for money. The minute you give them money they are back at your door with mailings and calling you on the phone asking for more.

I never get calls about activities in my area. I never see local education programs teaching people proper gun safety or helping the sport of shooting. I just don't see any NRA boots on the ground.

I see a very nice head quarters in Fairfax, VA and I see millions of $$$$ being spend on lobbying etc... with no real change. They are ineffective on the state level which is where most of legislation is happening.


New member
I get more calls from them asking for money and asking me to vote in poorly worded polls at all hours of the day. They are always asking for money. The minute you give them money they are back at your door with mailings and calling you on the phone asking for more.

I never get calls about activities in my area. I never see local education programs teaching people proper gun safety or helping the sport of shooting. I just don't see any NRA boots on the ground.

I see a very nice head quarters in Fairfax, VA and I see millions of $$$$ being spend on lobbying etc... with no real change. They are ineffective on the state level which is where most of legislation is happening.

I solved the marketing calls a few years ago by advising that I was already a member of the NRA, but that next year I would not be - just because the NRA decided to call me in my home. I've never gotten a call since, and I always send my check.

I too am annoyed by the junk mail. They should offer a no mail membership. I don't even really care for American Rifleman much.

That said, $25 or $30 a year is cheap political protection for a right millions of twits would happily disregard based solely on their own ignorance,prejudice or hostility. I think foresight requires one to join. As Pax indicates, the fear of politicians is well worth the price.