Why No Forum for Black Powder Shooters?

Munro Williams

New member
Why No TFL Forum for Black Powder Shooters?

Are we an endangered species? Doesn't anyone else like to see all their troubles go up in smoke? Can we have one? Can we? Can we? Hunnh? Pleeeeze?
[grovel-plead mode OFF]


New member
No it's simpler than that!

We aren't endangered, we just smell that way. ;)
( all 5 or six of us)
I've been on a hiatus from BP for too long. Next few guns are going to be of the "stink and rust" variety though. Those Walkers are real tempting. I'm giving some serious thought to a Walker-shot boar sometime next year.
While I'm probably TFL's most enthusiastic blackpowder shooter...

I don't think there's enough interest to support a blackpowder forum. We've had some postings in the rifle thread and there's only about a dozen of us who chime in. While the topic is always welcomed and well received, there's not enough interest to warrant a separate forum at this time.


New member
Although, starting a new BP forum may be a great way to generate interest. Some people may be thinking about it, but won't try it till they've read up on it or heard some advice.

Like me. I wouldn't mind hearing about some experiences.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
The BP Boys are, of course, welcome at "Rifle" and, I'd imagine, at "General Handguns".

Has anybody done a websearch for a specifically BP Site?

One trivial problem at a couple of our forums causes a comment by moderators, "I'm lonesome!"...

Personally, I'm clueless as to just how many BP guys are "out there", who are interested in a Site or Forum...



A special forum for Black Powder Shooters?

In this age of equality, must we segregate people based on their powder? The Rainbow Coalition isnt going to like this!

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Black powder arms come in three types...
Rifles, Shotguns and pistols.
We have forums for those.

You just have to elbow your way past all the 1911s...
And use a bull horn.


New member
Like 4V50 Gary was talkin' about, whenever you post a frontloader topic you'll usually find out who all 10 or 12 of us are.;)