Why is it?


New member
That 'gun control' advocates of any political persuasion never include themselves in the 'can't have' category.

Only us poor dumb 'others'.
Ever notice?



New member
The link you gave is to an agricultural depute? I think the OP is concerning those that would perpetuate gun control but still want the RKBA for themselves.

Paul B.

New member
I heard a rumor a while back that the Senate quietly passed some kind of ruling that allowed them to be Assistant Deputy U.S. Marshalls, thus being allowed to pack in all 50 states. I dunno how much truth there is in that, but knowing how Feinstein packed in San Francisco, I wouldn't put it past her and her ilk.:barf::barf::barf:
Paul B.


New member
Hello sir,
I hope all is well with you and yours.

Why is it?
That 'gun control' advocates of any political persuasion never include themselves in the 'can't have' category.

Yes I have noticed, and I feel the answer is best expressed by George Orwell when he penned in Animal Farm :

All animals are created equal, just some are more equal than others.

Control : the reason for being "more equal".



New member
I heard a rumor a while back that the Senate quietly passed some kind of ruling that allowed them to be Assistant Deputy U.S. Marshalls, thus being allowed to pack in all 50 states. I dunno how much truth there is in that, but knowing how Feinstein packed in San Francisco, I wouldn't put it past her and her ilk.
Paul B

The problem with this scenario is that Deputizing Legislators puts them into the Executive Branch AND the Legislative Branch which is forbidden. That is what made Frienstein's actions double egregious. She is far too important to be subject to such inane laws...