Why?? I mean come on now...

I don't have a problem with someone taking a home defense shotgun out to shoot clays.. Especially if that's all they have... But at least take off the laser and the flashlight.... Saw that today at the skeet range... Also it may be a good idea to wait until you get home before you attempt to re-mount the your tru glow red dot..... Tacticool skeet doesn't work.....


Staff In Memoriam
The only thing goofier would be a guy with a .30-06 topped with a 12X50 scope... Tryin to hit dirt birds!:D


New member
Why didn't I think of that? It'd be a good way to mess with the hot-shots that think they're better than everyone else cause they use high dollar skeet guns/equipment that shoot skeet around here. Maybe they post on here and did it just to get everyone all riled (is that even a word?) up and see if someone else would start a thread about it? I just might take the 500 to the skeet range tomorrow. :D


Staff In Memoriam
Hoyt, while I never hoped for a good score, I have gotten on line with my 500 20 gauge and PGO... I hit the occasional disc. Since it is was always impromptu friendly shoots we didn't have a shot limit and I was the first guy to go for long range clay no one hit with my 3-5 shot and picked off a few with accolades from those guys with "classy" guns for not only going for a max range flyer but hitting them now and then...
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New member
If the mall ninja can...

bust clays with the big boys. Props to him. Otherwise... It's still good practice for defensife shotgunning. Even if the gizmos fit in like my Yamaha would at Sturgis...

chris in va

New member
I think they do that just for shock value. My friend used to take his Mossberg Persuader with folding Knoxx stock to the clays range. The looks he got were priceless, especially from the guys shooting $4000 o/u and could only get a 20 while he would get a 24.:eek::p

They've since added a clause only 26"+ barrels can be used, but it was fun while it lasted.

Invalid Zero

New member
I had my 20" 590 w/GR sights out shooting skeet last weekend. I didn't get weird looks. Granted my father in law and a friend were the only ones out there, but I had as much fun with mine as I did with their 28" guns.

Lee Lapin

New member
Trigger time is trigger time. Put to good use, trigger time is never wasted- of course, IMHO merely converting ammo to noise is not 'trigger time.' If the rulz allow short barrels, (some clubs don't), go for it. Taking off flashlights is a good idea IMHO, if only to save them from recoil battering (even SureFire recommends doing that). Otherwise, run it in the same configuration as you'd run it at home- and do it safely.


the rifleer

New member
Ive always wanted to take a 590 with a bayonet on it to skeet shoot. I just thought it would be funny to see what people think.


New member
I remember being skunked many times at clays (not hard to do) by a retired Marine Gunny Sgt. I was trying my best with my Belgian double 16, but he would beat me every time.

With his 1911.

But at least take off the laser and the flashlight....

Why dress down for you?

What is wrong with practicing with the HD shotgun in the configuration in which he would fire it for home defense?

I would not take off the laser if I was him. Remounting means resighting and there is no reason to go through that just to make some clays guy happy.

I mean, come on! Why are you so worried about how somebody else looks at the range? Are you afraid his setup is going to reflect badly on you?


New member
To each his own

I would not criticize the guy shooting the $5k gold medallion "see how much better I am than you cause I can drop a months worth of your salary on a gun I shoot exclusively at defenseless, fake clay birds every Saturday" o/u any more than I would the guy shooting his $100 "hey times are tough and this is all I got but would like to train myself in various situations" New England Firearms Pardner single shot shotgun- with or without the tactical light, bayonet, AR stock, night sights, 15 point sling, or red dot.

I'd just be happy someone else loved and appreciated the pass time of shooting as much as I do.
i love busting clays with my 500, ive used both 28 and 18in barrels and never had a look.

But this is at a regular range not a skeet range.

I think him practicing with it set up for hd will just get him used to the weight and make him a safer shotgunner.

Get off your high horse and have a good time, dont worry about other peoples guns.

Would I get laughed at/shooed away for using this shotgun at the range?

No you would not...... The gun was a tacticool mall ninja special and so was the shooter....

Get off your high horse and have a good time, dont worry about other peoples guns.

high horse?? The guy thought pretty highly of himself and his mall ninja special..... Otherwise I wouldn't have cared...
high horse?? The guy thought pretty highly of himself and his mall ninja special..... Otherwise I wouldn't have cared...

Now it get it. You don't actually care that the gun had stuff on it. The problem you have is with the guy thinking highly of his gun and hmself. So your original post was completely misleading because you just complained about the gear and now we know you have a problem with attitudes.

So because you think the guy thought highly of himself and his gun, you feel it is your place to come here and put him down for doing nothing wrong and nothing against you?

Well, at least we are now down to the root of the issue - ego.


New member
If there were a better nearby range to shoot his HD shotty and instead he chose the skeet range, yeah he might be a bit goofy. But, there's something to be said for being able to knock down a moving target.

The other end of the spectrum would be the guy who beefs up the SG and then puts it in the corner of the closet. Of the two, the guy on the skeet range will look more foolish, but he'll probably live longer than the guy who leaves his in the closet. :)

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New member
It sounds like some who are questioning the motives of the OP might be guilty of the exact same mindset you are accusing him of, just in reverse.

I don't shoot clays or skeet, but I do hunt quail. I try to do things in a fairly traditional manner. I use traditional side x side guns, no larger than 20 gauge, and use traditional Deep South bird dawgs. No Brits or Viszlas for me. They are fine dogs, but when I was growing up, bird dog in South Georgia meant 75% English Pointers (no GSPs) and 25% English Setters. I am a traditionalist.

If someone showed up at one of my hunts with a tricked out tactical shotgun, I would offer to let him/her use one of my doubles, or at least a straight-stocked 11-48 Upland Special semi-auto I bought for my daughter. If he/she insisted on the tricked out gun, I would be fine with it for that day.

I probably would not invite him/her back under those circumstances, because I would feel he/she was mocking me for being a traditionalist.

Frankly, it sounds like that is what several of you have in mind when you are bragging about outshooting someone with a $4000 shotgun with your tacticool bang-em-up 12 gauge ear-busters and throat-cutters. I guess you have bought into the mindset that we must hate anyone who has more money than we do, so let's ridicule them any way we can.