Why I do not buy Ann Coulter Books


New member
"I think there should be a literacy test and a poll tax for people to vote."---Hannity & Colmes, 8/17/99

To a disabled Vietnam vet: "People like you caused us to lose that war."---MSNBC

"We should require passports to fly domestically. Passports can be forged, but they can also be checked with the home country in case of any suspicious-looking swarthy males"

I used to watch Hannity & Colmes in the early days of Fox and for a few years after that. She has appeared on it a few times. among other shows.

The recent interview on Hannity & Colmes where she refers to the folks having brains full of syphillis and being retards is worthy of a elementary school kid.

I dont buy or listen to Franken, Moore or Limbaugh anymore or others either. I do have a few books by Limbaugh and he is a much better writer than Ann Coulter appears to be looking at her columns. because he presents an orderly analytical argument instead of using innuendo and emotional hysterics.

She is fearless where she treads....but thats not an excuse for what comes out of her mouth sometimes and her pen.


New member
I agree -- many of her comments are childish, outlandish, and plain nasty for no reason. In contrast, her point of view is similar to mine from time to time.

You can't agree with someone all of the time. But that pretty much goes for everyone on TV, radio, or print.

I don't align myself with any talking head on all issues, just as I do not do the same with any political party.

Marko Kloos

New member
She's an unfunny, annoying Nazi cow, much like Michelle Malkin, and the only reason why she enjoys any popularity at all is because she's considered the "Republican Babe", meaning that she's one of the very few conservative pundits who's not an overweight guy with a shouting problem, or old enough to have been Richard Nixon's roomie in college.


New member
Marko -- it's not often you advocate the Nazi comparisons... that must be an indicator of how strongly you feel on the issue.


New member
Ann exposed the Jersey gas bag girls.

How does that make her a nazi.

Marko, again, conservative=nazi I just pointed this out in another post which was just closed.

Maybe im not elite enough for this forum? Seems to qualify for TFL one must APPEAR as an elite with sophisticated left wing views.

Marko Kloos

New member
Ann Coulter advocates police state methods. Michelle Malkin is even worse, with her suggestion to put all Americans of Arab descent in internment camps like they did with the Nisei. They're both big fans of an authoritarian, by-white-Christians-for-white-Christians America, where there's no pesky Constitution keeping us from locking up swarthy people and homosexuals. Yes, I think they're both fine Nazi material, and they would have felt right at home if they had been born blond and blue eyed girls in 1930s Germany. If it makes you feel better, there are plenty of Democrats and left-wing pundits I consider to be in the same category. Authoritarians come in many flavors.

Maybe im not elite enough for this forum? Seems to qualify for TFL one must APPEAR as an elite with sophisticated left wing views.

Don't try playing the conservative martyr.

Please go through my 4,000-odd posts and find me a single instance of espousing any left wing views, or support for Democrats or their positions. I am sick and tired of binary thinkers who automatically classify people as liberal and left wing if they take issue with conservatives and right wing positions. I wish a plague on both their houses, personally.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member

One can use polite discourse to make a policy point. Coulter is selling books by acting like a media whore. That there are media whores on other political axes doesn't excuse her.


New member
+1 and +1....etc.

I have often suspected that Coulter is really a liberal agent provocateur. She presents the conservative viewpoint in such an irrational and hate filled manner that she makes liberalism look attractive by comparison.


New member
Ann Coulter is an abrasive loudmouth, because she knows that being an abrasive loudmouth can sell a lot of books.

While she may not be a very good writer, nor qualifiy much as a decent human being, she is smart enough to know that there is a large segement of the population that is unwilling or incapable of looking at any issues and formulating their own opinion.

You see this segment of the population in those here who can't get beyond the "If you don't agree with conservatism all the time, you must be a liberal" mindset.

I'm not claiming that Moore and Franken are NOT out to sell books, they just do what they do with a little more humor and sophistication than Coulter.


She fights fire with fire. The democrats use sensationalism, sweeping statements, gross generalizations and harsh words. Ann does the same. Is either case good for the country? No.


New member
Sounds like some of yo might enjoy Jane Fondas latest book. A bit more feelings, and homosexual, and she hates us pesky white chistians too.


New member
I used to enjoy her column for its audacity, but especially with her newest book it's become obvious to me that she's a shoddy researcher who like Rush tries to force reality to conform to her ideology, even if it means conveniently ignoring things that contradict her pre-determined conclusions. There's already enough of that sort of thing polluting political commentary, so Coulter gets tossed on the ever growing trash heap of self-promoting frauds as far as I'm concerned.

She's the Molly Ivins of the right.


New member
She has the same affect on the moderates as Willy Horton did for Dukakis. The only difference is she drives them to the left instead of the right.

She preaches to the people on the far right who agree with everything she says...


New member
Funny, I bet none of the critics o this thread have a clue whats in the book.

Im hearing the same politicaly correct vomit on this thread as John Kerry and NBC puke on the air waves.

The sad thing, the very media you all worship has crapped on your very rights, and couldn't see if ripped your legs off. Hell, at least Ann Is pro 2nd.

How about NBC or any sorry so called educated liberal, Katie Couric will be soon, she'll make everything better.

Like I said, for the rest theirs always Jane Fonda.


New member
Hell, at least Ann Is pro 2nd.

That is the exact mentality of the left. As long as someone is on "their side" it doesn't matter what stupid and insulting things they say.

No, I have not read here book. I have heard several of the talking heads on the RIGHT try to defend her by reading the excerpt in context and you know what... it is still mean spirited and stupid. If her own allies can not make her sound good you know she has a problem.

She also has a long history of saying stupid things.


Like I said, for the rest theirs always Jane Fonda.
because it's not like people can actually dislike both extremes of the spectrum, right?

edit: there's
