Why I CCW.


New member
Three cops shot at in two different shootings in the Orlando area today. Two of them were hit and are in the hospital, one hit in the chest (while wearing body armor) and the other in the arm.

Some of my friends have told me I am paranoid for carrying. While it is true that one of the shootings happened in Pine Hills, an area known to locals as "Crime Hills," the other happened in a tourist area.

The 3 criminals in the shooting that occured in the tourist area, a shooting that injured the 2 officers, had over 100 arrests and convictions between them. They ranged in age from 18 to 26 years old, and had criminal records that included illegal carry of concealed weapons, burglary, drug violations, battery on a LEO, and robbery.

The story.


New member

Even if one really IS paranoid -- which I doubt most "carrying" people are -- it sure beats being naive and ignorant like some of your friends...victims waiting to happen. They are in this latter category and don't even know it.

Tell 'em to wise up or shut up...you don't want to catch what they've got. ;-)

-- John D.

chris in va

New member
I used to get the paranoid thing all the time, but they wised up a bit after the VT thing and all the random crap that happens on a daily basis. Even vicious dog attacks can happen anywhere. Hell the other day a pit bull showed up outside my house while I was checking email.

Really to me it's just a tool like anything else. I have it and hopefully never need it.


New member
I also wear my seat belts but have never been in an accident in three decades. Would you call that paranoid or prudent?


New member
Paranoia? First, your friends need a lesson in vocabulary;

1 : a psychosis characterized by systematized delusions of persecution or grandeur usually without hallucinations
2 : a tendency on the part of an individual or group toward excessive or irrational suspiciousness and distrustfulness of others

CCW is not excessive or irrational, nor are you having delusions that every day in this country people are attacked and killed. We have seen suicidal killers in schools, workplace shootings, mall shootings and neighborhoods. Crime can occur anywhere and people have been severely injured or killed in their homes, grocery store parking lots, gas stations, convenience stores, at bus stops, on rapid transit trains and more. Daily people are robbed, carjacked, kidnapped, raped, shot, beaten, stabbed and killed.

It's not "paranoia" or being "paranoid" to be prepared for that rare life-threatening occurrance. In over 50 years, I've never had a fire in my home (thank goodness!) yet I have 3 fire extinguishers and a smoke alarm. Is that paranoid? Ask your friends & neighbors who call you paranoid if they've never had a fire to throw away their fire extingushers, smoke alarms and fire insurance, then see what they say.


New member
Being prepared and taking responsibility for you and yours.
Am I paranoid because I have 3 fire extinguishers in my 1600 sq. ft. home?

You have to try and be prepared the best you can. Seatbelts, fire extinguishers, insurance, firearms, tools, phones, alarms, etc.

I don't want to rely on someone else to save me or mine, but if they come to help great.