Why I carry.


New member
People may think I’m paranoid, because I carry a gun in a low crime rate area, but read these stories and where they took place. I know I’m preaching to the choir here, but it seems this stuff is in the news more and more lately.

Mall Gunman Who Killed Five Women in Clothing Store

Gary Michael Hilton kills hikers in NC

Triple Slaying in New Hampshire Shop

Colorado church shootings

9 Dead in Nebraska Mall Shooting

This is just a small examples of random violence in places only “the paranoid” would carry a gun for self defense. I didn’t even list any school or workplace shootings. With all this going on I wonder why many people don’t carry.
A person can never foresee the unforeseeable. To try and decide when you will need a gun and when you will not is like pretending you can see the future.


New member
You carry a full tank of gas and a spare tire because...you may have to drive a while to find somewhere safe and you don't want a flat tire preventing you from getting to safety.

I see a carry gun as the exact same kind of safety insurance.