Why has my regard for the M1 skyrocketed?


New member
..although I gave little thought for the M1 rifle in the past(before handling and shooting one)...I find myself becoming a die-hard fan of it's virtues..only other gun that I have had a similar experience is the 1911 45....amazing how my fondness for this gun has grown....(My first M1 was stolen after my first chance to take it to the range)...I have since bought a second one...haven't recieved it yet, a 1955 SA which is in unissued condition(CMP papered rifle no less:D )..needless to say I am champing at the bit to get it..:D :D :D :D


New member

You have matured in "gun years" to the point where you appreciate a weapon for it's quality and not just the amount of rounds it holds. :)



New member
I found myself really liking the M1 alot lately also.
It just feels like a real gun , wood and steel no plastic , no stamped sheet metal just a mechanical masterpiece


New member
..another reason is the book I recently bought that has many detailed accounts of weapons useage during WW2 and Korea by US troops....the one weapon that has an absolute overwhelming positive record is the M1 rifle...from the Chosin Resevoir(20-40 below zero weather) to muddy fields in Europe....accounts of the rifle being fired so much during a battle that the handguards were partly burned away or cosmoline running out of stocks from the heat...rifles used again and again with little or no cleaning and still functioning(hell, try that with an M16!!)....one reason I am thinking it was one of the best battle rifle designs ever...and can still hold it's own against more 'modern, sophisticated rifles'......and with a cailber that can penetrate hard targets(barriers) as well as soft(humans)...


New member
Congrats to all that have one a fine piece of equipment it is but to those who don't better grab them now I promise prices are doing nothing but going up, and with Flags of Our Fathers coming out it could cause the prices to go higher yet.