Why guns are better than women?

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New member
Guns dont care if you miss your aniversary

they dont care if you come home from a party, really wasted and you puke on the floor

they don't care if you play with other guns (or 2 guns at once) :eek:

Old guns don't go nuts if you want to fondle a newer model every now and then (just for fun)

You don't have to bribe your gun with flowers and chocolates to get a bang

Guns don't NAG

they don't complain your bullets are too small (unless you got the wrong bullets) :eek:

when you are lost, guns don't tell you to ask for directions

Guns can't multi-task either

Guns won't tell you you are getting old, fat, lazy, bald....& get a job

Guns don't complain if you stay too long at the range (or golf course)

Guns don't shoot better or worse depending on the 'time of the month'

Hey girl shooters, don't feel left out....

Why are guns better than men? ;)

Guns stay hard for ever

They only run out of bullets when you want them to

They come in different sizes & colours depending on your mood

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