Why Grip Width?


New member
Every board I visit, and ever since I've been reading about handguns, the grip width is usually cited as the most important factor for grip comfort. I don't understand this notion. Last Friday I shot a SIG 229 for the first time, and out of all the handguns I've handled, it was the first one that allowed me to reach the mag release, slide release, and decocker without shifting my grip. I have a HK P7M8 which is only 1.14 in. in width according to HK's website and the SIG 229 has a grip width of 1.5 in. I can get really close to hitting the mag release on my P7M8 without shifting my grip. Since there are only 3 dimensions to the grip (width, length, and distance from front strap to backstrap), I came to the conclusion that it must be the distance from the front strap to the backstrap that is allowing me to reach all of the controls. Am I incorrect to presume this? This measurement is not given on any sites, so I don't know how all the guns I've handled compare to the SIG 229, but I'm baffled by the importance placed on the grip width when it comes to grip comfort. I've also handled a Glock 36, Glock 23C/19, HK USP full size and compact, SIG 220. On all of the guns that I listed except for the SIG 220, I could not reach all of the controls without shifting my grip. I'm actually not sure about the SIG 220 because I didn't check to see if I could reach all of the controls without shifting my grip. Because I'm a newbie to shooting, I'm beginning to wonder if I'm holding guns incorrectly.


New member

yep, its the dimension not given thats the key to comfort, distance to control buttons and levers...etc.

The circumference of the grip is whats really important to my hands. Grip width is nice to know but as you noted, it only tells part of the story.

Hard Ball

New member
Grip width does not matter much if you can reach the trigger and the gun fits well in your hand when you have a good shooting grip. If not, it is not a good choice for you no matter how good it is in the abstarct.


Although every factor should be taken into account, an improper grip width can be just not right for some. Imagine shooting a Colt 1911 for the past 50 years. If you picked up your first Beretta, of even worse, your first double stack 45ACP, it would feel like holding a 2x4 and you would probably never adjust. Likewise, if you had a nice wide grip you were used to, and went to a single stack 9mm, it would feel so odd. But, one has to be flexible. You may have to borrow some day.