why everyone loves glock handguns so much?


New member

i never shot one, maybe thats why i ask huh.

my cousin is in law enforcement and talks about glock like its a god except he says he has seen limp wrist. i don't really think much of his opinion cause the only guns he has ever shot was a ruger and his glock. he says he can shoot coke cans at 50 yards with his 9mm glock but always turns down my challenge for a shooting range trip.

i have a beretta 92f 9mm and im amazed with its accuracy at 25 and 50 yards. given all things equal, is a glock 9mm even more accurate than the beretta 9mm?

even the cops at the gunshow can't say enough about their glocks. the one putting the tie wraps on guns wont touch your gun unless its a glock. you have to hold it while he puts the tie on. im not joking. he said he won't touch any other brand of handgun. a little crazy yes?

then there was another guy walking around rapidly asking each dealer if they had a glock(whatever model). if they said no he wouldn't stop. he was pretty loud too.

some other guy kept going on about how the glock is the ak47 of handguns. throw it in the sand, mud, sea, whatever. it will still work. it doesn't need cleaning as often as other semi-autos.

is there some kind of inside joke among glock owners to over hype glock or are they really that damn good???

glock questions:

accuracy compared to a beretta?

recoil compared to a beretta?(btw im talking about the large glock 9mm)

how many rounds would you shoot through a large glock 9mm before changing parts?

glock weakness if any?

and hows trigger pull?


New member
There is a reason GLOCK has such a brand loyalty. Take one out and shoot it sometime. Maybe then you will see why GLOCK pistols have such a reputation.


New member
It already sounds like you're already annoyed at the way some people seem to like their Glocks. Eventually you'll meet someone who has the same attitude about their 1911, HK, M&P, XD, or Walther. But as long as they're not saying you should trade in your Beretta for one and they're just telling you how much they like them, what's wrong with that?

If you're gonna try one, go into it with an open mind. Maybe you'll like it better than your Beretta maybe not (since a Beretta is what you're used to). I've come to prefer Glocks myself after owning pretty much all the service type pistols myself. But I wouldn't argue with anyone who prefers Pistol X to a Glock as long as they gave it a fair chance.


New member
Glocks are good pistols, but they are not for everyone. I had a Glock 23 for 14 years and it was a good pistol. It was reliable and reasonably accurate, but it never felt right. I have smaller hands and the Glock was too thick. I picked up an XD 40 and it fit my hand perfectly. I immediatly sold the Glock and bought the XD. I now have 3 XD's and carry my XD 45 compact concealed. They all fit me well and are dead on accurate (probably because of the fit). If Glocks fit you, they are great, but they don't fit everyone. That is why there is no "perfect" gun, because we are all different.


New member
Some people are fanatics.

You will find some folks who only want to own a toyota or a glock or who only drink coke or budweiser or on and on and on.

I don't like glocks as much as I like what I currently carry.

My reason for switching is because what I now carry works better for me than my glocks worked for me.

I never had a problem with a glock being reliable.

It all comes down to how it fits your hand, how you like the grip angle, how you like the trigger pull or safety or whatever.

Pick what works for you.

Use what works for you.

And always keep in mind that some folks are so open minded their brain left town while some are also so closed minded their brain never gets a chance to learn about new things.

I don't care what others carry or use and I don't push my choice on others.

Try them all, figure out what works best, take some classes, practice a lot, and hope all you ever kill with your firearms are paper or animals while hunting.


I'm part of the percentage to whom the Glock balances like a 2X4 with a handle. The best feeling Glocks to me are the Model 20 and 21. Does that mean that I don't feel that they are good guns? Not at all.

What I DON'T appreciate, though, is the zealot who denigrates any other weapon, except his/her Glock. Most of these people never really shot anything else, but are convined that the Glock is the epitome of firearms. As usual with zealots, it proves that "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing".

Your Beretta is also a nice 9mm platform. If you like it, and can shoot it as well, then keep it. The Glock may, or may not, be better in your hands. If you get the chance, shoot one. You may also wish to try the SIGs, The HKs, the new S&W M&P, the XDs, and something from Ruger and Taurus. Or a 1911, Browning HP, or CZ. What the heck, your enquiring mind wants to know.


New member
I can't say that I love glocks. I do have to carry one @ work. A glock19. I prefer an xd9 or even my sigma in .40 over a glock. Don't get me wrong a glock is a good dependable weapon. It just doesn't fit my hands well. It was said before that no gun is a perfect fit for everyone. Also a gun is a tool. We don't all have the same brand hammers. So why would we all have the same brand gun?

john in jax

New member
IMO Glocks are the best combat handhguns out there. There are several "glock torture test" videos and stories out there (try Google) and most of them are true. Glocks are "THAT" reliable, that durable, that dependable.

BUT not everyone likes the way Glocks fit and feel in their hands and those people would be better served by a gun that they are more comfortable/happier with. It is that whole "different strokes . . . " thing. There is nothing wrong with Beretta, Sig, H&K, Ruger, etc..., but I don't like the way the Sigs, H&K, and Rugers feel in my hand (and it is probably psychological) - - I don't shoot them well.


New member
PLenty of people do not like them for a variety of reasons. I see the niche they fill, allowing departments to load up on autos, improving qualification performance while appeasing the unions' desire for high cap autos. Personally I think their point and click mechanism creates a point and click mentality that has resulted in a spate of NDs. While durable firearms I have seen plenty of people outright abuse them because they assume them to be indestructable.

I do not like their feel or features but others swear by them.


New member
I have shot a glock with a 22 conversion and a glock 9mm. I hate the trigger. Other than that I like the gun. I also do not like how it lookes as much as I like the looks of the XD. And since the XD is a little more within my budget... Well that has my vote over the glock. I would take a glock over an M92 just for reliability but I like how the M92 trigger works. For me it's mostly trigger that determines my preference but meh it all depends on the situation.


New member
A sigma in 40 over Glock. Oh boy, this outta' be good.
*goes and gets a drink and some popcorn and waits by the computer*

I am not saying that a sigma is better than a glock. All I am saying is I like feel of the sigma in my hands over a glock. Better ergonomics for me.


New member
I have a Glock as well as many other brands. I like a lot of different guns. Are Glocks more accurate than your Beretta? Probably not, about the same. Remember, these are all duty/ fighting pistols. Are Glocks as reliable as they say? Yes, they are. They will run for a long time with no care whatsoever. Will the Beretta? I don't know, so I can't say. They do have an unusual trigger that some can't get used to. Also their grip doesn't fit everybody, as previously mentioned. Police tend to have them because Glock gives such great LE discounts to departments, so it turns out to be the cheapest reliable gun available. Glocks also tend to be lighter than other pistols, something to consider when you wear it all day. You are not ill-armed with your Beretta.


New member
I have a bunch of guns. And I'm a crusty old 45 year old Army guy. Lots of experience shooting many different guns. Like some have already said, different guns just seem to "suit" some people better than others. I've handed a Glock 17 to newbies who had no idea what it was and they just hated the feel the second it hit their hand. But I've had the same experience in reverse. Everybody's hands and perceptions are different.

My first was a G17 back in 89. Loved it right from the first. A few years ago I finally bought a G35 and it became my new favorite. Especially once I sent it off to Jarvis for a custom fitted barrel in .357 SIG. So I only own two but I wouldn't mind getting several more! If they ever get around to making a G20 SF, that will probably come home with me.



New member
Glocks are fine guns. When I was looking to buy my first handgun, a friend let me shoot his, um, arsenal of handguns...revolvers and semiautos. I fell in love with his .40 Glock (I give up, I can never remember the numbers, sorry). Went into a store determined that it was a Glock I wanted, until the clerk suggested I pick up an XD-40.

I left with an XD-40. It fit my hand better. Quite a lot better.

But Glocks have a lot of devoted owners, and for those for whom they fit well, they're a great choice.



New member
i dont own a glock, but my father was a DC police officer and his Glock 17 was one of the first autoloaders i ever shot. I'll admit, as much as i like 1911s and my HK, a Glock is a great weapon. Its simple and easy to shoot, and 17+1 rounds of 9mm is nothing to sneeze at. I also like how high my hand sits on the grip, this allows for easy of shooting, and makes for a very accurate gun IMO. A Glock 17 is currently second on my "to buy" list.


New member
I just got my first Glock last week and love it. I've been pretty much a Sig man, and still believe the 228 is the finest pistol ever made, but I'm having a good time with the 23. It's the best combination of concealability and mag capacity I've ever owned. It kicks, but it's manageable. I'll probably get another Glock, maybe a 19 or 17. I love the way the trigger pulls evenly straight back. Like somebody said, try one, and you'll see what the big deal is.

PS if you shoot 300 rounds through a 23 first day at the range, you'll get a blister on your finger, but that's minor. I find it's best to shoot 50 at a time.