"Why don't you just move"


New member
I see this all the time. See I live in NJ. anytime someone mentions that they live in NJ, or CA, or MA, or wherever the gun laws are ludicrous, someone pops up and says "just move".

I'm not going to get into the "money's better here" argument, or the "my family is here" stuff either.

What burns me is this - the gun laws in AMERICA suck more and more every day. We all complain about the "assault weapon ban" etc. We all complain about Brady/Shumer/Boxer/etc.

America is rapidly BECOMING NJ,CA,MA etc. Should we all just move?

Maybe we should quit complaining, quit telling other people how stupid they are for living in ANY state in America, get off our butts and DO SOMETHING about it!

The more people that move TO these restrictive states, the more of a chance we have to run these idiots out of office.

I'm done. It's hot, we've got no air, and yes, I'm in NJ.


New member

From Maryland.

Wanted a safer place for my family, and cleaner air, and less (obnoxious) crowding.

I decided to run.

I have no regrets.

I don't think you'll turn the tide in those named states, because most people are no longer (if ever) smart enough to know, really know, what is truly in their best interests.
They're sheep, and the new lion isn't bad guys, it's their elected officials.

Come here, and help us keep THIS place safe from the rampant stupidity and venal actions of those who "know what's best for us".

Besides, other than stinky air, rude women, bad roads, stupid laws, no-fault insurance, gambling at Altantic City ("where's the elephant?"), and stinky air (yes, I know) New Jersey is kinda nice.

Right? :barf:


New member
I'd agree with WESHOOT2. Those states are not going to give you your rights back. If the people in those states were to move and continue working for liberty in a marginal or pro state we could hold them off longer.

la rue

New member
couldn't agree with you more levelhead!!! in a perfect world we could all live where we want to, but it ain't gonna happen.so the only other choice is to stay and fight the good fight and never give up!!!even though i envy where westshoot2 is from.


New member
There are sometimes where all you can do for a situation is to let it get to a point where it's so horrible that the uniformed even recogzine the need for a change. That's sort of what may happen in california if simon wins. Davis has let things get so bad that people may be waking up to how he screwed up the state that they may actually go for a republican.

If it gets to the 'too intolerable to stand' point here, I'd seriously consider moving to some place like texas. I don't want to purpetuate a bad situation by feeding the monster with my tax money. And I don't want to provide the fuel that pays for my enslavement.

Stay and fight? Not if it gets too bad. I'll move to a free state and donate money (probably from my tax savings) back to my old state to help the cause. But in the mean time, I'd exercise capitalism and democracy the best way possible - by voting with my feet and my wallet.


New member
Don't feel bad.

I was more than overjoyed to get an assignment to Florida from Kalifornia. My collection breathed a sigh of relief, we were long gone before SB23 kicked in. I even carried 300 of my friend's AK magazines out of that state for him until he could move elsewhere himself.

Then, in the last few months, I've been told I'm getting an assignment to Edwards AFB, back in Kalifornia. :(

Jim March

New member
I can see fleeing some of the smaller "People's Republik" states...Maryland in particular, New Jersey, Mass.

But there's other states where we can win, and should hold. Colorado is an example.

And then there's California. All 54 Electoral College seat's worth. 9% of the US population.

We - Cannot - Abandon - This - State.

Got that? Can't. If we let it spiral into socialist hell, it'll spin off stupidity throughout the West. I am seriously convinced that the future of the Republic will be decided here.

I ain't leavin'. They'll have to kick me out, or kill me.


New member

Ouch :( At least at Edwards, you'll get to see the F-22's... and it's only a few hours from Arizona... :)

I have a friend who wants to be a test pilot at Edwards.. unfortunately, he also loves shooting. I'm not sure how he plans to make those two loves compatible.
New Jersey isn't that wide.

You can't be far from the Pennsylvania border.

Pennsylvania has pretty decent gun laws, and is still within reasonable driving distance of most sites in NJ.


New member
And then there's California. All 54 Electoral College seat's worth. 9% of the US population.

We - Cannot - Abandon - This - State.

Got that? Can't. If we let it spiral into socialist hell, it'll spin off stupidity throughout the West. I am seriously convinced that the future of the Republic will be decided here.

Agreed, we abandon too many states and then we start losing at the federal level because they own Congress! Maybe we should consider asking those who have control of thier states to make donations to the organizations in the states that we don't have.

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
I would void my "no trade clause" and move to one of
these states in a heartbeat:Tennessee, Montana, North Dakota, Vermont, or Virginia. Of course, if Virginia were
the chosen state; make the city Virginia Beach.:D :cool: :)

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member


New member
This is my home.

I have been many places, but none are quite as nice as here in many ways. Yes, many of the laws suck here, but they suck elsewhere too.

I'm not leaving

El Rojo

New member
I even carried 300 of my friend's AK magazines out of that state for him until he could move elsewhere himself.

Was this from the fear that they might ban the possession of 30 round magazines in the state? I just don't understand taking magazines out of the state at all. Now you can't buy or import those magazines. Those 300 magazines would be like gold here now.

I am not moving any time soon. I am here till the end. I am not too worried about my tax dollars going to "their cause". If my $500 of state tax and my sales tax is feeding their cause, they they aren't going to miss me much. I do know that my vote means a lot more in a tight race like we have coming up for governor. A lot more than a couple thousand dollars.

If you want to make a difference in this state, live here. How else are you going to vote the bums out?


New member

I agree. :)

Although I can see where the frustration (to say the least) would just become unbearable, I've always been the kind to stay and fight. I never surrender. Never.

Actually, I've been thinking about a switch in method/behavior/paradigm/whatever. Instead of pro-gun/pro-rights people fleeing states such as MA, NJ, CA, etc in favor of states with better laws....what about the opposite?

What if hordes of freedom-loving people moved from their states to Massachusetts? Established residency and ran for office? Voted for said candidates? Wouldn't that turn the tide? Just a thought that's been wandering around my head for a couple of days, I'd be interested to see how people react to it.

And there is definitely something to be said for letting things get so bad, that even the liberals (*cough* *wheeze*) can see that something is just wrong. At this point, however, will it be too late? Or will we see coalitions of the most unlikely of forces, joining together? We saw environmentalists march with Pat Buchanan in Seattle. After that, I'm tempted to say anything's possible.....


New member
What we should do is get 500,000 gun owners to register to vote in California and throw the anti-gun bums out. Ca courts have ruled that it's illegal to demand any ID when registering to vote so illegal aliens, criminals, non-citizens are all signing up as Democrats. Some more than once as any sort of check-up is banned by liberal judges. So, let's all register and vote via absentee ballot.


New member
Yep, the PRK stinks in more ways than I can shake a stick at, but on the plus side we got incredibly lovely women that like to wear next to nuthin in the summer, miles of beautiful seashore, snow capped mountains, desert, a good economy with plenty of oppertunity, and all this is in just one county.
Besides, what happens here just sets "statues" & "precedents" that are easily put in effect elsewhere... who knows, if I would hypothetically move to another state, who says that in 10 years it won't be the same story there. Can we really control state legislators to be servants of the people after they become entrenched as life long republicrats with a liberal agenda axe to grind? 10 or 20 years ago before the NRA packed up and left, gun owners in this state would have laughed if you'd have suggested that any of the current laws would have come to pass.
It is wholly possible and probable that the PRK is a crystal ball by which the rest of you may see the future of your state. Its sad to hear those prophetic and short-sighted words "it can't happen here".
Myself, I'm gonna stay as long as I can and circle the wagons, but like any good TFLer, I'll have several plan B's and escape/evasion routes to liberty lovin areas mapped out for when the %$@& hits the taco shop.
-Greg M.
Listen to GunTalkRadio:


New member

If shooters are relocating to gun friendly states, just how powerful can the RKBA get there?

Id rather leave town, relocate and enjoy a voter block with massive influence. If the SHTF, these will be the places to make a stand.:rolleyes:


New member
LevelHead, I'm with you. RKBA is one thing that will influence where I live, but not the only thing. I'm not one-dimensional.

And, as for those who have cut and run, do you really want them for your allies if SHTF? Who are the real sheeple anyway, the ones who turn tail or the ones who stay and fight?

Never, never, never quit.
-- Winston Churchill

- pdmoderator


New member
El Rojo

Yes, there was a genuine concern that SB-23 was going to keep it's earlier provisions that magazines greater than 10 rounds would be treated as illegal weapons in and of themselves. :(

The whole thing stank on ice. Our Thursday evening high power fun matches in Lincoln had several relays, with an abundance of M14/M1A's, FAL's, HK-91's, and AR-15/Sporters. When I last talked to my friends up there, they had pretty much gone over to Garands and bolt guns for those matches, rather than risk the wrong thing being said to the Kalifornia DOJ - who had been known to root around ranges near Sacramento.

Those AK mags belonged to an FFL friend of mine, who had enough AK's, Galils, BM-59's, AR's, M1A's, HK's, Valmet's, and FAL's to outfit a revolution. His desire to leave the state probably exceeded mine, with the state wanting to regulate FFL's out of existence. Another well-known gunsmith and FFL made it to Grant's Pass, Oregon, bless his heart.

Which brings up another subject: Why, if one chooses to exercise their American right to freedom of choice, and find a state that allows ownership of firearms that "look evil", without interference from the likes of Feinstein, Boxer, Perata, Ortiz, Bustamante, Lockyer, and Davis, do we get labeled as "sheeple"? Is that just sour grapes talking?

If so, this "sheeple" is certainly enjoying his NFA Krinkov and CCW permit, something Kalifornia would rather not allow honest, law-abiding folks to have. :rolleyes:


New member
Whether or not you should just move is really going to depend on how gun rights figure into your lifeways. If you don't have the rights where you are, and there is little hope of gaining those rights anytime soon, then maybe you should move. If you choose to stay where you are, don't be surprised when people suggest that you "just move" after they hear/read you complain that you don't have appropriate gun rights.

You know your rights where you are and you know what rights you don't have where you are. As in biology, your options are to adapt, mutate, migrate, or die.