Why don't Glock .45's run SWC's?


New member
I'm a little dissapointed that my newly acquired Glock 21 refuses to reliably feed my typical .45 ACP target load (200 gr. SWC over 4.5 gr. Bullseye). Now, this load has been run successfully in at least 4 1911's and 1 XD with good results, so I know the load is in spec. I've adjusted the OAL a couple of times with the same result.

After doing a bit of research it looks like this might be somewhat typical of the breed, but why? And can the gun (or my load) be modified to feed SWC's properly?


New member
If you're using a lead SWC, that's bad Ju-Ju in a Glock anyway as its polygonal rifling and lead don't get along. If you want to shoot lead in a Glock, you really need to get an aftermarket barrel like Lone Wolf. As far as to why your load "won't run" (I assume you mean it's failing to feed properly) I'd guess that the angle of the feed ramp on your Glock must be different than that of your other .45's.


New member
If you're using a lead SWC, that's bad Ju-Ju in a Glock anyway as its polygonal rifling and lead don't get along. If you want to shoot lead in a Glock, you really need to get an aftermarket barrel like Lone Wolf. As far as to why your load "won't run" (I assume you mean it's failing to feed properly) I'd guess that the angle of the feed ramp on your Glock must be different than that of your other .45's.

What he said. :)


New member
I've never had a problem shooting "jacketed" SWC through my G21. Even though Glock does not recommend unjacketed bullets I would not think the jacket would affect feeding.


New member
Even though Glock does not recommend unjacketed bullets I would not think the jacket would affect feeding.

I think it is stated in the manual that all non-factory ammo is a no-no for glocks. you won't get warranty claim if it goes kaboom.


New member
I reckon

The shape of the SWC and the shape of the feed ramp in your Glock, just dont like each other? Get some LRN pills for the glock (I hope you have an AM barrel? My 34 has a Storm Lake Barrel.... works just dandy on LRN handloads :D)

Jim Watson

New member
I had the same problem with a Sig-Sauer P220. European makers just do not consider the semiwadcutter in designing their feed ramps and magazines and it is a matter of luck if an imported pistol will handle them.

I traded that gun off, but liked the model well enough that I now have another that I load roundnose and hollowpoints for.

Billy Bullets and Black Bullets International have a moly coated 200 grain roundnose that would probably do ok with the same ballistics as your regular SWC. Watch for buildup of the coating in the stock Glock barrel.


New member
I fully realize the problems with using non-jacketed bullets in a Glock and I do not use them, nor do I use reloads. I have used factory loaded SWC's with no problem. While the unjacketed bullets can cause problems with Glock barrels, I fail to under stand how it affects feeding.


New member

Maybe the weight of a full lead projectile, and the lead grabs (more friction) on the feed ramp than how an FMJ slides effortlessly on the steel feedramp (no friction to speak of)

I think these 2 reasons might add up to feeding issues :D


New member

I believe Glock barrels arent good with unjacketed lead, because of the hexcut "rifling" as opposed to a round bore woth land & groove "standard Rifling" that is the only reason (apart from .40's own unsupported case issue)

I dont think glock barrels have so much a problem with FEEDING lead bullets, just that the lead gets wiped off up the barrel and fills the hex rifling with crud (which is hard to clean out and bugga's up accuracy)

Glocks are great for military/LE for which they are designed.... and shooters who only use FMJ Glock fodder dont need anything but the stock Glock barrel. It is only that us civvies dont have our ammo supplied by Uncle Sam for nix, (and we can make 'em for way less than buying Factory FMJ's), that barrel manufacturers decided to make & offer standard rifled barrels.

Nowhere have I ever seen written or stated that Glocks are the "best target pistol".... they arent! They were never intended to be.... they were designed for the sole purpose of being a military side arm (including police, security,L/E) they are all but indestructible, easy and fast to shoot, need hardly any infield maintenance and can work after being dropped in a bucket of doo doo.

We the shooters, realised their massive potential, if only thy had a standard rifled barrel, the barrel boys decided they could make them in answer to our call.... so now we are lucky, we can have the best of both worlds. We have the simple option of buying a Glock, an AM barrel to suit with std rifling.... and they shoot reloads, factory lead, or FMJ's with fairly high accuracy :D


My G21 I used to have fed LSWC just fine. As long as I kept my round count for a given day below 100 or so and cleaned well at the end of the session, I could shoot lead in my factory Glock barrel with no problems.

It was the first gun I ever owned and also my first one to reload for.

I've since gotten rid of that gun and only own .45's in 1911 format... but I got her working. I was using Billy Bullets (moly coated) as mentioned above, as well as Berry's plated.


New member
If you're using a lead SWC, that's bad Ju-Ju in a Glock anyway as its polygonal rifling and lead don't get along. If you want to shoot lead in a Glock, you really need to get an aftermarket barrel like Lone Wolf.

Yeah, I'm aware of the potential problem and might get an aftermarket barrel, but I don't want to buy one until I know if this gun will run the load I really want to run for target shooting. It runs fine on 230 grain LRN, but I like to punch full caliber holes with lighter bullets if I can.

Also, I'm surprisingly not seeing significantly more leading than what I see in my 1911's, so I'm kinda leaning towards just running the stock barrel and cleaning it regularly as well if I can make it work. If it blows up then I'll be sure to post the details;)

As far as to why your load "won't run" (I assume you mean it's failing to feed properly)

You assume correctly, standard failure to feed with LSWC only.

I had the same problem with a Sig-Sauer P220. European makers just do not consider the semiwadcutter in designing their feed ramps and magazines and it is a matter of luck if an imported pistol will handle them.

I traded that gun off, but liked the model well enough that I now have another that I load roundnose and hollowpoints for.

Others have told me the same thing; I wonder why this is? It would seem that SWC's are pretty common but maybe in Europe things are different. I've come to the same conclusion for an interim solution; the G21 eats up LRN like candy, but scoring targets isn't as nice!

My G21 I used to have fed LSWC just fine. As long as I kept my round count for a given day below 100 or so and cleaned well at the end of the session, I could shoot lead in my factory Glock barrel with no problems.

Do you remember what OAL you were running? Perhaps the right combo with the bullets you mention will run OK enough to get me through the IDPA season. It's good to hear at least a few guys manage to get these things to run SWC's!
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I don't remember the OAL... but the shoulder of the bullet protruded from the case mouth perhaps 5 hundredths or so.

My big problem I had was learning to crimp properly for .45acp... but if you have as many pistols as you mentioned then you're probably an old hand at loading .45.


New member
I don't remember the OAL... but the shoulder of the bullet protruded from the case mouth perhaps 5 hundredths or so.

My big problem I had was learning to crimp properly for .45acp... but if you have as many pistols as you mentioned then you're probably an old hand at loading .45.

Thanks, I'll pick up some Berry's and try that out!

I'm not brand new to reloading, but can always use some advice! Actually it's been the craziness of the past year or so that finally pushed me to reload. I've run a few thousand of my reloads through various .45's, so it makes me think this is a gun issue not an ammo issue, but I could be wrong; I have been before!


New member
200gr LSW in Glock # 21

Before I found out about feeding my Glock # 21 lead reloads ( maybe 15 years ago) I shot lead reloads and ended with a bulged barrel. I only feed it
FMJ or plated bullets. BTW: it fed the reloads with no problems.

For my Glock # 23 I bought an after market barrel for lead reloads.


New member
Now, this load has been run successfully in at least 4 1911's and 1 XD with good results, so I know the load is in spec.

I'd be interested to know what SWC bullet and OAL you are running. I've never been able to get SWC's to feed even remotely reliably in my XD45 (both stock and aftermarket "match" barrel). Never skips a beat on anything else.


New member
I'd be interested to know what SWC bullet and OAL you are running. I've never been able to get SWC's to feed even remotely reliably in my XD45 (both stock and aftermarket "match" barrel). Never skips a beat on anything else

Precision Cast Bullet Co. LLC, out of Springport MI is where I normally get most of my bullets, for the XD45 Tactical I believe we ran Lazercast successfully as well.

For SWC's I've found the 1911's and the XD45 run happiest when I simply seat the bullet so that the shoulder is even with the case mouth, or slightly longer. I believe this works out to 1.22" with these bullets but I'll double check when I get home.

Joe D

New member
I guess the lead bullet issue and Glock barrels will never go away. All I shot out of my old G21 was a 200 gr LSWC. OAL was 1.250". Fed 100% of the time. Zero leading.