Why do you carry?


Member In Memoriam
Tangent/off-topic from "arsenal-type" thread in handguns.

Probably been covered in TFL (to death!) already but I missed it. Point me to the thread if so.

If, not - why is it do y'all feel the need or just want to carry (CCW or exposed)?


Staff Alumnus
1) For me, a handgun is the best option for personal protection.

2) No one else, not the police, not the security geeks at work, is responsible for my safety.

3) Therefore, I take responsibility for my own safety by owning and carrying firearms.

But you already knew all this, Alan. ;)

"If your determination is fixed, I do not counsel you to despair. Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance."
-- Samuel Johnson

[This message has been edited by Coinneach (edited February 09, 2000).]


New member
This thread? [Link to invalid post]

I like the idea of open carry myself but have been dealing with a CCL since my Great State decided that was the way to go.



New member
Because I am responsible for my own and my families safety. Because it is my right. Because it is better to have a gun and not need it than to need it and not have it.

Wanna help me feed my hogs?


New member
Pretty simple, I have a wife and two young daughters that need me to come home every day, and need me to be able to protect them when we're together.


Staff Emeritus
Because I can.

Because I have, in the past, irritated a great number of people with the means and the willingness to do nasty things to my furry carcass.

This sounds vaguely like a cheap country/western song.

Why do you carry?

Why do you reload?

Why did you go to thunder ranch?

Cause it's a Family Tradition

John Forsyth

New member
What PvtPyle said. And no, I do not want to help you feed your hogs. Unless, of course they are HD's. :)

(formerly johnboy)


New member
Well, the joke here in Norfolk, VA is that you know you're in a nice neighbor hood when you're just counting the gun shots, not dodging them! That's near enough the truth, too. Plenty of pockets of decency surrounded by low level projects. I've lived here for 10 years now with the Navy, and had my place broken into twice, once while I was home. I also work my own business as a moblie welder, repairing tractor trailer bumbers, trailers, etc. often at night and on the side of the road. Been beat to **** and robbed twice in that time. I can't afford to loose a truck and $10K worth of welder, not to mention being cheated, beaten, and robbed. It's legal to carry open in VA, so on night jobs, that's just what I do. During the day, I carry on my CCW in an IWB.

Refuse to be a victim, and don't make yourself a target.


Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Why have homeowner's insurance? Why have automobile insurance over and above the state-mandated minimum? Why do businesses have liability insurance?

For personal safety, could it be that there are other forms of insurance?

The obvious answer to all these questions is "Just in case." Just in case the newspapers, the TV newsies, and our President are correct: There are bad, bad people out there.

As usual, Art


New member
What Lawdog said - Because I can!

Also, to follow up on Art Eatman's insurance analogy - I pay "insurance" to reduce the chance of criminal attack via taxes that pay for a police presence in the area and for prison space. It helps keep down the number of goblins out and about. I also self-insure.


New member
I never leave home without it. In fact, the few places I go where I can't carry makes me feel very uncomfortable, kind of naked.

I carry because I'm a woman. I figure that's enough reason. It makes me equal to anybody out there, unless of course they have an uzi ;)

Also, I always have kids with me, my own son and usually somebody else's too. I feel it's my duty to protect them. How is a woman going to do that adequately without 'help'?


New member
I mirror all the above posts. They pretty much said what I would have.

Knock twice. Rap with your cane. Feels nice. You're out of the rain. We got your skinny girls. Here at the Western World
from Steely Dan's "Western World"


Moderator Emeritus
When I was too young,innocent,stupid and left for college...Dad told me to and I respected/trusted his judgement above all on earth.

He was right.

Now I have my own youngin to look out for. The gov't profits even if I die....my baby doesn't

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!

Bob Locke

New member
Banzai will appreciate this one:

Because I live in Portsmouth, VA.

We need to hook up. Where do you go shooting?

Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
Because it's an uncertain world out there, filled with things that bite, sharp corners and people that regard other people as tools, recreation and/or obstacles.

Because I'm responsible for my own and my family's safety.

Because any life worth living is worth defending.

Because after 20 years of working in some rather tough prisons,I know there's people out there that would rape my daughter because she's my daughter, then brag about it to their buddies. Or my son...

Because having a firearm handy a couple of times has kept me from God knows what at the hands of not nice people.

Because EVERY one of us here IS here because some of our ancestors fought like H*ll with that they had at hand and so lived long enough to become our ancestors.

Any questions?


New member
Because, while I believe I will probably go through the rest of my life and never, ever need a gun, I also believe that if I ever do need one these two things are true: 1) I will need one very badly, and; 2) I will need one very quickly.

[This message has been edited by mk86fcc (edited February 10, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by mk86fcc (edited February 10, 2000).]


Why do I carry? Because:
<LI> It's my right to
<LI> The police can not respond fast enough
<LI> My dog needs me

Son's Place

Rangers Lead the Way