Why do some say Beretta/Taurus92 are too big.


New member
I bought a Taurus pt92-AFS a few mounths ago. When I search for topics about this pistol, I see a lot of " This pistol is too big for a 9mm". At a local GS, he traced a 92 and then layed several 9mm over the trace. Most other brands were about the same size except the length of the barrel. What do you guys think? What Pistol Do You Think Is A Better Carry Option???
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New member
There are other "full size" 9mm's that are smaller and thinner but if the size of your PT92 doesn't bother you it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.
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I am grateful that there is a wide variety of firearms available so that we have choices. The 92 is large but different strokes for different folks.


New member
Most duty guns are that size or larger, due simply to the length of barrel and magazine capacity. The Beretta 92 is one of the nicest general use pistols around. A great gun, so who cares what opinions are. What matters is how the gun performs and how much you like it.

When I want comfort, ease of shooting and sheer fun I take my HK USP and Beretta 92 to the range. AHHHH, makes me smile everytime. :D


New member
For those with smaller hands, the grip of the Beretta can be difficult to get a whole hand around. On top of that, the trigger can be difficult to reach and the beretta is actually quite heavy compared to other alloy framed pistols. It may not necessarily be bigger than other pistols, but the ergonomics of the Beretta leave something to be desired for many people. I personally really like the Beretta. It's an ellegant piece and my hands fit on it quite well. But I have a decent hand size, and not everybody can say the same thing.


New member
I think the "too big" comes from it being bigger than the "too big" 1911 that it replaced in U.S. service. The overall size of the 1911 was one of the knocks against it that was supposed to be addressed when a replacement was being sought, but the M9 is enough bigger than the 1911 that the former won't fit in the issue 1911 holster.


New member
The 92,, she is a fat lady,,,

If your hand can accommodate a S&W N-frame,,,
You will probably be okay with a Beretta 92,,,
I am comfy with the S&W K-frames,,,
The 92 is too fat a lady for me.

The Cheetah on the other hand fits perfectly,,,
I guess if I joined the Army,,,
I would be S-O-L.



New member
I agree with the OP

First handgun I even held was a Beretta 92. I'm a small guy with small hands, I like the feel of the pistol. I don't see what all the fuss is about. Maybe it's also weird, because I don't mind the Glock 20 size either.


New member
For me, most of the popular pistols( Sig, M&P, XD, CZ...) are large for COMFORTABLE carry. That is why I have a Kel-tec for cc. I bought the PT92-AFS because I loved the way it looked and I wanted a gun that I could go out in the yard and have fun shooting. It shoots great!!! I almost bought the M&P with the 5'' barrel but, the bling of the AFS was hard to turn down. I might get the M&P next.


New member
Besides the SIG P-226 and 229-E2 , I would say out of every handgun I have held the Beretta felt the most natural of any other firearm in my hand. Though I did not like the "feel" of the standard grip material. Believe it or not, I have small hands for someone who is 6'7", far more than "size" plays into how a gun feels in your hand.


New member
The problem is that most of the uninformed grew up with something other than the Browning High Power 5 inch and wide grip for 13 rounds of 9mm. So when they see a 5 inch with 17 to 20 rounds of 9mm, they are still uninformed as to what's good in a combat 9mm.

No telling on some people's taste.



Same size as the CZ-75, EEA Witness, Baby Eagle, Beretta 92, 96, Sig 236.
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New member
It makes me very sad when Taurus PT92/Beretta 92 get used interchangeably :p

Brand fanboy-ism aside, I don't have a problem with the size of either. I have large hands, but even still I was surprised when I handled a 92 recently and found it to be much smaller in my hands than it is generally regarded on the internet.

A fine design, regardless!


New member
It's all subjective to personal opinion, and it's all relative.

I love everything about my Taurus 92AFS. It is a full sized gun but fits me just fine and has good ergos to boot. My daughter is one who thinks it's "too big". I can "one hand it" much easier than a P series Ruger, for example.

I also like it better than the "skinny" nines, but I'll leave that one alone.

Again, just personal preference.


Un-PC version:

That one, she has a Big Ol' Butt.

Different Strokes for Different Folks: You and Sir Mix-a-lot would be happy with that one.

Me- not so much. I like thin, short butts. I <3 single stacks!


New member
because there are a ton of grown men that have little girl hands...

you know, the ones who only buy compacts because they have hands smaller than 7th graders and then talk **** about full size guns being awful just because they can't hold onto them..


Makin' fun of a guy's "size"?

because there are a ton of grown men that have little girl hands...

talk **** about full size guns being awful just because they can't hold onto them..

I have no issues holding onto a 92 ...... It is just difficult to conceal that fat butt. ..... I am a little reluctant to go walking around with my butt hangin' out, is all.

And as for talkin' **** : the biggest problem with the 92 is it's crappy DA trigger pull. It's a crunchenticker , and it's a good thing that it has a large cap magazine: if your plan is to fling a shot down range to get it into SA made, you'll need those extra rounds. :p


New member
I'm not talking about concealing it...some can and some cant...simple enough.

but when little guys get on the internet with their big guy voices they try to make it sound like its the gun's fault they're built like a cheerleader..

it doesnt make it a bad gun just because you can't hold it completely.

it's not a bad basketball because you can't grip it with your palm either, sally..

where's my picture..



New member
Love the size and feel of the 92. My Berettas fit my hand more naturally and comfortably than any other handgun I've held.

Its size and weight make it one of the softest-shooting 9mm pistols in existence. Since I wouldn't use the 92 as a CCW, that's a big positive in my book.


New member
A few weeks ago, my neighbor brought a 92fs to the garage to show it to me. It fit my hand perfectly and sight acquisition was instantaneous.

I bought one on this forum a few weeks later. I now carry it concealed and it's not too big in any way. And highly accurate, too! I still need to take pics of some targets!
