Why do politicians think they are above the law?

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New member
This relates to guns! When the Missouri CCW law was passed and signed into law, it contained (and still does) a provision that information related to CCW holders is NOT public record and is NOT to be shared with agencies outside the state of Missouri.

The MO Highway Patrol has admitted that they shared the entire database of CCW holders with the Federal government (specifically of all agencies, the Social Security Administration).
Note to the mods: This admission is documented in the St. Louis Post Dispatch!!

There is also currently a Senate investigation into the Missouri Dept of Revenue providing prohibited information to the Feds regarding CCW permits, and scanning birth certificates and other documents in violation of state law against participating in the federal PII program. While denying the allegations, DOR has ADMITTED they received federal funds to purchase the scanning equipment used to collect the documents and take the photographs which are now "face recognation quality".

I can understand that Congress passes laws that affects all citizens except them but at least they spell out in the law that it doesn't apply to them. These are cases where the laws DO apply, yet the govt simply breaks the law.:confused::confused::confused::eek::eek:


New member
here's another question, why do politicians support their agenda rather than the agenda they are elected to follow. These "politicians" talk to people at election time and forget them after being elected. Not the way it should be.


Simple - because they are

They write the laws to make sure they are not penalized
Look at Bloomberg and his armed guards in Bermuda, or Feinstein and her gun permit, or Pelosi and her Secret Service entourage, and on and on

It is a Do as We Say, Not as We Do government


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Part of the Contract With America-remember that?-was that Congress would start applying the laws it wrote for the rest of us to itself.


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What they are not above the law? They only make the retired laws they don't have to follow them... Welcome to politics... If you think that's bad come to NJ...


New member
Politicians think they are above the law, because they are. There will be no repercussions for any of the politicians who broke the law. There will be no political consequences and certainly no legal consequences.

If a politician has an affair, maybe something happens, but this no way.


New member
They evidently lost the concept of "representative" somewhere along the way. They are now privileged overseers who see themselves as our boss with a sense of entitlement. How many of them are actually in it for service rather than money, connections and power? How many vacations have you taken this year? I've written both a Senator and a Representative since December and I have never received a correspondence from either of them. So does Democracy work if they don't even acknowledge someone with at least a form letter?


New member
It's not their fault...it's ours. We elect them to represent us. If they do a poor job of that and we stupidly or ignorantly re-elect them we are telling them they have done as we wished...so they do it even more until we choose to NOT re-elect them.

We should stop trying to educate our representatives and instead start trying to educate the voters. We get what we elect.


New member
Politicians see themselves as the parents of society. As we all know, the parents don't have the same set of rules that the kids have.

I think that pretty well sums it up, also once in the "system" political wise they seem for most part become what the community dictates, much like prisoners. Dc is a closed community.
Sorry, but haven't had a specific issue raised since the first post, and we seem to be ignoring even that. There's nowhere else to go but into the realm of general political complaints, and we don't do that here.
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