Why do people do this?

Dr. Strangelove

New member

okiefarmer said:
Some folks have more money than sense.

You answered you own question!

and that's why I don't buy or sell stuff on EBAY anymore. People try to cut EBAY's fees by charging high shipping, now they only accept PayPAL, which EBAY owns, so you pay fees to both. Plus, sellers can end auctions with no reason - but I'm locked into my bid? I don't think so! Bah! I'm done with it!


New member
I used to see this at farm auctions all the time. Some people have to win even if they are really loosing.


New member
i watched that auction as well.... thinking exactly the same thing since i had already place an order for one directly from lee.... ebay...where america shops


New member
I've seen people pay retail plus on used scopes in my opinion honestly people
are too lazy to research.
Why? Because several reloading components have been out of stock frequently and instead of spending several hours to save a few dollars, it's worth buying at a higher price.

It may make more sense for one to immediately find what they're looking for and pay a few dollars more than wasting time looking around only to find it out of stock.

In other words, time is more important than money to some. What may be foolish for some to spend a bit more time to save a buck, it may be foolish to waste time with their life glued to the computer monitor instead of outside playing baseball with their kids.


New member
^ Tut-tut-tut

Tuttle, you mean down at the range shootin' :D

Kids are quick to learn, they will teach eachother how to play baseball soon enough, get your priorities right, mate ;)


New member
dang, I know some places that have these in stock. I think I may buy a few a resell them. Help me pay for primers :barf:


New member
Used to buy from E-bay but gave up on them a couple years ago. There prices have gotten ridiculous and the shipping even more so. Can buy new cheaper in the stores.


New member
some people are just too lazy to Google first.
ebay should be a last resort, but like Tuttle says - too many 'out of stock' stickers.
kinda makes ya wanna say - if I wanna shoot tomorrow - gotta pay today.


New member
It's the sport of the chase and wanting to win. I've been caught up in it on E-bay a few times myself. Sometimes it's hard not to put in another bid, just to win. Fortunately I've been outbid on those items that have gotten too expensive to make good economic sense.


New member
I bid on ebay occasionally. I always decide what the top dollar I will pay for the item is, subtract the postage and that is the bid I put in. I won't enter a second bid. Once in a while I win one, but I am not overpaying for the item.

The out of stock theory may be a good one. If ebay is the only place you can find it, maybe you will pay more? Who knows?

Well Regulated

New member
Not everything on e-bay is bad. Some reloading supplies are better than Midway or Cabelas etc. if you only buy one or two items you really need. The shipping is cheaper. I just bought a .308 Lee case trimmer for $4.95 brand new using Buy Now option. The shipping was $1.10 That's cheaper than on-line retail and I received it two days after I won the auction which is faster shipping than the other guys. Midway doesn't even have the .308 trimmer in stock.


New member
OK, I'll buy the out of stock argument to some degree. But, it's not like he is going to shoot bullets from this mold as soon as it arrives in the mail, like one might have the inclination to do with some bullets ordered through the mail. If he has the time to heat up the mold, cast a mess of projos, lube them, load them in cases, me thinks he had an hour or two to google and find out he could have save 15-20% on the mold alone.

I hate to admit it, but ebay is about the only place to get used molds. My local store carries a lot of molds, about 95% of them are all round ball molds and other BP styles. I have picked up several out of production molds on ebay that fit a niche in my bullet mold repertoire.

Brass, I will pick up off of AA or GB, but as one other reply above stated, I will put in a proxy bid, figured minus shipping, and walk away from the computer. Idiots will go crazy sometimes just to win an auction. And with all the new blood in the field now, who have a better grasp for the value of leather coats and Gucci shoes, they are raising the bar on brass value just because they think the end is near on its availablility. 9mm and 40 still a bargain in most places, but even 38 sp getting a little painful at times.

Perservernce pays at auctions, and there are still some deal to be found. Just sadly, for the most part, not at gun shows anymore.
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