Why do people buy rifles without iron sights??


New member
Why do people buy rifles without iron sites?

I mean even if you plan to scope it wouldnt iron sites be good as a backup?

I have been looking for a new 308 bolt, and all I have found are sightless. Looks like they didnt finish the rifle to me

El Rojo

New member
There is no need for them.

I bought a Remington 700 VS and I would never have a need for iron sights on it. It is a precision tool that has a specific purpose. I spent nearly as much money on a scope as I did the gun. It's job is to make small holes or shoot squirrels or coyotes at any range. Plus in order to mount a scope on a rifle and still be able to use iron sights, the rings are going to have to high and then you are not going to get good cheek weld for when you use the scope. Forget the iron sights, you won't need them. If you are talking about battles and stuff like that, if your scope fails and you are close to the enemy, you can just point and aim anyway. The main thing is you are going to be fairly screwed fighting people at close range with a bolt gun anyway.

Herr Walther

New member
Most folks who purchase a rifle without sights are gonna spend as much or more on the scope they're about to have mounted.

Big and medium size game hunters as well as varmint hunters really have no need for iron sights with the roll of bills they're laying down for a scope, mount, and rings.

Now a combat rifle, whole 'nother story.


New member
I recently bought a .22-250.

There is no point in having iron sights on such a rifle. Essentially I am echoing El Rojo's comments.

However, if you are seeking a hunting rifle for North American "big game", wild pig or bigger, back up sights are not amiss. Modern scopes and mounts are rugged, but can be damaged or knocked seriously out of alignment. Removing the scope to use iron sights makes sense in that regard.

Lyman (right?), Marble's, Redfield, and Williams all make good iron sights. Check the Brownell's catalog or possibly on line. Gun Parts Company has a good stock of iron sights also.

It's your rifle. It is therefore your choice.


New member
I've wanted to buy one of those inexpensive, target grade, bull barreled rifles like the Savage 10FP for some time, but I know I won't be able to shoot it until I work up the money for a scope. At least 2-3 months. And even then I can't justify spending 3, 4, 5 hundred dollars on a 2nd tier quality scope. I'm all about the instant gratification. Waiting 10 days here in CA is enough, I wanna shoot my gun with open sights until I can afford a scope damn it !


New member
I'm gettin' a 10FP real soon. A bushnell is pretty much all I can afford. :) Can always upgrade though, in the future.


"Why do people buy rifles without iron sights??"

I'm sure, as already noted, that it's part of the "game" to generate scope sales.

Also, today's factory rifle makers probably figure that most hunters (say, 90%) never use iron sights anyway (other than on a .22 - and for many not even then), so why install 'em and break-up those beautiful, stylistic lines?

OTOH, as far as workable accuracy & instant back-up for a scope, the rear-mounted peep sight/frt post combo on Savage's 308 "Scout" rifle is the system I'd prefer. I never was comfortable with those more forward-mounted "buckhorn" or "V" sights.


New member
Sometime around your 42nd year you won't have to ask the question again. Your eyes will answer it for you.;)


New member
1) Iron sights ruin the lines of the rifle, making it look like democrat. :D I've known to remove iron sights from my rifles.
2) The worthless crap that most factories call iron sights are not usable, and fall apart under the slightest stress.
3) On rifles where I find iron sights appropriate, I'd custom install real iron sights, and not bother with the plastic open junk from the factory.
4) I don't understand why people think they need factory open sights...;)


New member
Why? Because designers are engineers, not shooters. Most consumers are not shooters. Because they have not been to school. Funny how scopes only fail in shooting schools!

The guns are reviewed by flower-shirted gun writers who only shoot a few rounds at a time.

I want iron sights that are machined from the same steel as the barrel and receiver and cannot be moved with a 25 pound sledgehammer.


New member
Savage makes rifles with sights (I don't know about on the bull barrels). I agree, I want iron sights too, but I AM in 42nd year and Clemson is right. I have bi-focals and certain iron sight config's (FAL L1A1) mess me up and some (AK47) I kick ass with. I'm just now getting into the scope thing. Theres a decent scope (watch the flames Leopuld guys ;) ), a Tasco (I said watch it!) 2.5x10 40mm varmit scope with mil dot reticule that can be had for $68, I am about to mount it on a Savage 11FC (that has iron sights)


There is not much point to having iron sights as backup with the availability of quick release return to zero scope rings now available. You can just carry an extra scope. Iron sights make sence on dangerious game rifles but not on deer rifles unless its a short range lever gun or something on that order.


New member
My eyes aren't bad, I'm just poor :( (some say cheap ;)).

Can anyone explain why scopes cost so much ? A couple pieces of glass, a metal tube, what am I missing here ?


New member

Thats my point exactly. I can hit my targets with iron sights too (within reason), but I think it is a dying art.

Everybody I know who hunts deer uses a scope. I live in Geogia. Very thick woods. A 100 yd shot would be average to long, and a 200 yd shot would be extreme.

Using a scoped rifle to hit a deer at 100 yds is, well, embarassing.

Steve Smith

New member
The only rifle I own that has a scope on it is my SUIT sighted FAL. All others are sans scopes intentionally...they all wear high quality apeture sights.