Why do I shoot 3" 1911's better than 5"??

David the Gnome

New member
I can't figure it out. I took my new Para Companion C7.45 LDA to the range yesterday and again I outshot anything I ever shot with a full-size 1911. I thought my old Para Slim Hawg was just a fluke, its accuracy due to the match grade barrel or just a really good day at the Para factory, and then again with my RIA compact tactical I thought I had just lucked out again getting a compact 1911 that not only performed flawlessly but also was really accurate, but after shooting the new Para yesterday I am convinced it's not just the guns themselves. For some reason I can't shoot a full-size 1911 well. Give me a compact and I'll destroy the center of the target, give me a full or commander sized 1911 and I'm lucky to shoot a group you could cover with one hand. I don't know what it is, I just can't get a decent group out of a full-size 1911.

The only possible explanation I can come up with is it has to be some sort of flinching or something. All common sense tells me the compacts should kick worse than the full-size but in my experience I've found the compacts to be much more manageable. Maybe it's my perceived increased recoil with the full-size that is messing me up? I have no idea, but I'm open to suggestions.

The 1911's in question:







David the Gnome

New member
The two Rock's have the exact same trigger and the difference still stands between the two. I have no clue, my only guess is something psychological. :confused:

Officer's Match

New member
Clearly that DW and the full size SA are to blame. You could ship 'em to me for a proper disposal. I suspect something amiss with those reddish grips on the smaller Rock too, and can get rid of those too. ;)


If i owned that collection id be shooting horribly also since id be shaking so bad from excitement of owning them all.

I cant say why you do bad with the 5",mabey the longer barrel makes twitching even more exagerated.Id try shooting off of a bench to steady my shot.

Mas Ayoob

New member
Since no one except maybe RoboCop can hold a handgun perfectly steady, and since shooters by nature tend to be perfectionists, there's something in the subconscious that sees the sight picture wobbling on the center of the target and screams "NOW!!" when it's in just the right place. With a crisp, single action 1911 trigger, that can induce a trigger jerk that the shooter may not pick up on.

That smooth, light, and LONGER LDA trigger pull on your Para may just be allowing the marksman's ideal of the "surprise trigger break" to happen easier.

I've seen a lot of folks who shoot double action better than single action for just that reason. Not a majority, but a very significant minority. That could be it.

Just another guy's $0.02,



New member
My take on it...

Extra weight of the full-size guns may be throwing you off and/or the compacts fit your hand better. Could be a psychological thing too, as you mentioned. What happens when you shoot compact vs. full-sized non-1911's?


New member
I've never shot a 3" 1911 that wasn't accurate. They typically have a captive double spring set up that tames recoil very well. Out to 25yds I can shoot a Defender as well as a full size model. But, you are the first person that I am aware of who shoots the compacts better than a full size.


New member
I'm going to take a wild guess and say perhaps the way the grip fits your hand. How big are your mitts? I'm thinking that you could be palming the base of the mainspring housing giving you a more muzzle down grip that works for you. A full size even with a flat mainspring housing is going bring the muzzle up because the grip extends down further. An arched mainspring house just exaggerates a muzzle up hold. I'd also compare trigger reach.


Mas Ayoob- I never expected to see this guy on an internet forum,unless its someone who just liked his name and it isnt him.

BTW i agree and prefer with your thumb under 1911 grip style even tho i caught alot of flak for it.


New member
Nah, that's really Mas, he's a member here.

To the OP, perhaps it could be because you are a gnome? :eek: The 3" 1911s must be easier for your gnomish hands to hold on to! :D (jk, jk!)


New member
Sorry to be OT but that one I gotta remember :D

To the OP, perhaps it could be because you are a gnome? The 3" 1911s must be easier for your gnomish hands to hold on to! (jk, jk!)


New member
I was going to post what Mas did. Wow, I'm smarter than I thought:D

In the same vein, I shoot better offhand groups with my rifles with the scope on a lower power. The target doesn't "move" as much.

I only own a 5" 9mm Trojan and a 45 CBOB right now. No "shorty" 1911 (although I hope to rectify the situation soon). I shoot both pistols with about the same accuracy but prefer the "commander" size for some reason.
[QUOTEIf i owned that collection id be shooting horribly also since id be shaking so bad from excitement of owning them all.

LOL. +1

Officer's Match

New member
Might also be that your eyes are able to hold a better focus on the shorter sight radius than the longer ones, sorta' a "shallow depth of field" in camera speak.


New member
I shoot my m&pc better than my fullsize but It is not a 1911.Older eyes shorter focus 60 yrs old eyes are a bit##.Any older shooters notice this problem?